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U.S. State Codes
Title 5. State and Local Ad...
Article 1. Bonds and Other ...
Chapter 5. Refunding Bonds Generally
Chapter 5. Refunding Bonds Generally
5-1-5-1. Definitions
5-1-5-2. Issuance of bonds to refund outstanding bonds
5-1-5-2.5. Issuance of refunding bonds by an eligible school corporation
5-1-5-3. Exchange for outstanding bonds
5-1-5-4. Refunding procedure
5-1-5-5. Principal amount; reserves to secure bonds
5-1-5-6. Proceeds of refunding bonds; disposition
5-1-5-7. Safekeeping and application of bond proceeds
5-1-5-8. Trust indenture to secure bonds
5-1-5-9. Payment of bonds; sources of revenue
5-1-5-10. Irrevocable pledge to general obligation bond; effect
5-1-5-11. Issuance; separate or in combination
5-1-5-12. Law governing issuance
5-1-5-13. Sale of bonds
5-1-5-14. Cumulative effect of chapter
5-1-5-15. Lease modifications
5-1-5-16. Advance refunding bonds; issuance
5-1-5-17. Last date for payment of certain refunding bonds
5-1-5-18. Use of savings from refunding of bonds