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U.S. State Codes
Title 4. State Offices and ...
Article 33. Riverboat Gambling
Chapter 22. Boxing and Mixed Martial Arts
Chapter 22. Boxing and Mixed Martial Arts
4-33-22-1. "Boxing"
4-33-22-2. "Mixed martial arts"
4-33-22-3. "Professional boxer"
4-33-22-4. "Matchmaker"
4-33-22-5. "Sparring"
4-33-22-6. "Promoter"
4-33-22-7. "Unarmed combat"
4-33-22-8. "Unarmed competitor"
4-33-22-9. "Fund"
4-33-22-10. Commission duties
4-33-22-11. Appointment of personnel; powers of executive director; issuance of legal documents
4-33-22-12. Adoption of rules
4-33-22-13. Authority of commission over matches and exhibitions; license and permit requirement
4-33-22-14. Annual licenses; event permits; penalties
4-33-22-15. Applications
4-33-22-16. Submission of fingerprints and financial information; criminal history checks
4-33-22-17. Licensing of promoters, participants, and other persons
4-33-22-18. Amateur mixed martial arts; requirements
4-33-22-19. Eligibility for licenses and permits; nontransferability of licenses and permits
4-33-22-20. Authority to limit number of matches or exhibitions
4-33-22-21. Requirement to comply with terms of application
4-33-22-22. Denial of license or permit; violation of laws or rules; hearing
4-33-22-23. Procedures for hearings
4-33-22-24. Matches and exhibitions; site requirements
4-33-22-25. Matches and exhibitions; age limits; gaming and other restrictions; penalties
4-33-22-26. Participation in violation; penalties
4-33-22-27. Contestants; examinations; limitations on length of match or exhibition; required personnel at matches or exhibitions; penalties
4-33-22-28. Contestants; biennial licenses; fees
4-33-22-29. Referees and judges; biennial licenses
4-33-22-30. Ineligibility for and revocation of license; conviction of offense related to controlled substances
4-33-22-31. Revocation and suspension
4-33-22-32. Match or exhibition; gross receipts tax; report
4-33-22-33. Closed circuit telecast; pay per view telecast; subscription television; gross receipts tax; report
4-33-22-34. Unsatisfactory reports; examination of records; penalties
4-33-22-35. Appointment of inspectors
4-33-22-36. Regulation of weights and classes of contestants; rules
4-33-22-37. Display of purchase price on tickets; maximum attendance limits
4-33-22-38. Contestants; prohibition on prepayment of services; honest exhibition condition of payment
4-33-22-39. Deposit of fees in fund
4-33-22-40. Penalties
4-33-22-41. Adoption of rules
4-33-22-42. Grounds for disciplinary action
4-33-22-43. Sanctions
4-33-22-44. Summary suspension
4-33-22-45. Reinstatement
4-33-22-46. Reinstatement not available for revoked license; waiting period before reapplying for license
4-33-22-47. Surrender of license
4-33-22-48. Costs of disciplinary proceeding
4-33-22-49. Effect of disciplinary action by another state or jurisdiction; probationary licenses