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U.S. State Codes
Title 4. State Offices and ...
Article 21.5. Administrativ...
Chapter 3.5. Mediation
Chapter 3.5. Mediation
4-21.5-3.5-1. Mediation guidelines; procedural rights; rules
4-21.5-3.5-2. Appropriateness of mediation; rules
4-21.5-3.5-3. Agreement to mediate
4-21.5-3.5-4. Immunity of mediator
4-21.5-3.5-5. Selection of proceeding for mediation; objections
4-21.5-3.5-6. Selection of mediator by agreement of parties
4-21.5-3.5-7. Application to mediate; list of approved mediators
4-21.5-3.5-8. Qualifications of mediator; agreement of parties on mediator
4-21.5-3.5-9. Guidelines for mediator selection if parties do not agree
4-21.5-3.5-10. Choice not to serve as mediator
4-21.5-3.5-11. Replacement of mediator
4-21.5-3.5-12. Effect if mediator chooses not to serve
4-21.5-3.5-13. Mediator ineligibility
4-21.5-3.5-14. Mediation costs
4-21.5-3.5-15. Continuance of proceedings
4-21.5-3.5-16. Duties of mediator
4-21.5-3.5-17. Individuals present at mediation
4-21.5-3.5-18. Confidential statements; nonpublic records
4-21.5-3.5-19. Mediator meetings with parties
4-21.5-3.5-20. Termination of mediation
4-21.5-3.5-21. Failure to reach agreement; requirements for agreement
4-21.5-3.5-22. Ability to mediate subsequent disputes
4-21.5-3.5-23. Conflicts of interest
4-21.5-3.5-24. Rules of evidence do not apply
4-21.5-3.5-25. Limitation of discovery
4-21.5-3.5-26. Mediation regarded as settlement negotiation
4-21.5-3.5-27. Confidential and privileged nature of mediation