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U.S. State Codes
Title 36. Local Government
Article 9. Transportation a...
Chapter 4. Urban Mass Transportation Systems; P...
Chapter 4. Urban Mass Transportation Systems; Public Transportation Corporation
36-9-4-1. Application of chapter
36-9-4-2. "Management" defined
36-9-4-3. Declaration of public purpose
36-9-4-4. Existing systems; application for assistance from municipalities
36-9-4-5. Financial assistance from municipality; necessary findings; types of assistance
36-9-4-6. Grants to systems by municipalities; contracts
36-9-4-7. Purchase of property from system by municipality; contracts and leases; appraisals
36-9-4-8. Purchase of property by municipalities from sources other than systems; contracts and leases
36-9-4-9. Public acquisition of systems; application to municipality; studies
36-9-4-10. Public acquisition of systems; declaratory resolution; creation of public transportation corporation
36-9-4-11. Establishment of systems by municipalities
36-9-4-12. Public transportation corporation; name
36-9-4-13. Public transportation corporation; taxing district; boundaries after annexation and disannexation; incorporation of additional territory
36-9-4-13.5. Public transportation corporations in certain counties; city in county having second largest population
36-9-4-14. Public transportation corporation; management by board of directors
36-9-4-15. Cities; public transportation corporations; board of directors; membership
36-9-4-16. Towns; public transportation corporations; board of directors; membership
36-9-4-17. Directors; membership in political parties
36-9-4-18. Board of directors; vacancies
36-9-4-19. Impeachment of directors
36-9-4-20. Compensation of directors
36-9-4-21. Board of directors; officers
36-9-4-22. Meetings of board of directors
36-9-4-23. Board of directors; quorum; approval of actions; records; management of internal affairs
36-9-4-24. Introduction of proposed ordinances; public notice
36-9-4-25. Adoption of ordinances; procedure
36-9-4-26. Printing and distribution of ordinances
36-9-4-27. Controller
36-9-4-28. Purchase of property from system by corporation
36-9-4-29. Public transportation corporation; operation of system; contracts or leases for use of system
36-9-4-29.4. Expansion of services outside operational boundaries
36-9-4-29.5. Repealed
36-9-4-29.6. Repealed
36-9-4-30. Board of directors; power to acquire, hold, and dispose of property
36-9-4-31. Board of directors; seal
36-9-4-32. Eminent domain; procedure
36-9-4-33. Board of directors; power to contract
36-9-4-34. Contracts for operation of systems in contiguous territory and transfer of passengers between systems
36-9-4-35. Repealed
36-9-4-35.1. Board of directors; adoption of rules for operation of systems; rates, routings, and standards of service
36-9-4-36. Board of directors; power to sue; service of process
36-9-4-37. Board of directors; employees; collective bargaining agreements
36-9-4-38. Surveys and studies
36-9-4-39. "Demand-responsive" or "dial-a-ride" system
36-9-4-40. Board of directors; power to fulfill purposes of corporation
36-9-4-41. Acquisition of systems by corporation; protection of employees
36-9-4-42. Funding
36-9-4-43. Issuance of bonds by municipality; procedure
36-9-4-44. Issuance of bonds by corporation; procedure
36-9-4-45. Bonds; terms; tax exemption; procedure
36-9-4-46. Bonds; special tax levy
36-9-4-47. Tax anticipation warrants
36-9-4-48. Cumulative transportation fund; establishment; notice; tax levy
36-9-4-49. Insufficient funds; special tax levy
36-9-4-50. Federal or state aid
36-9-4-51. Review of annual budget and tax levies
36-9-4-52. Property tax exemption
36-9-4-53. Books, records, and accounts
36-9-4-54. Transportation of school pupils; contracts
36-9-4-55. Interlocal cooperation agreements; authorization
36-9-4-56. Repealed
36-9-4-57. Improvement reserve fund
36-9-4-58. Regulation of department of state revenue; fares; operating expenses