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U.S. State Codes
Title 36. Local Government
Article 9. Transportation a...
Chapter 27.4. Removal of Obstructions in Mutual...
Chapter 27.4. Removal of Obstructions in Mutual Drains and Natural Surface Watercourses
36-9-27.4-1. "Drain" defined
36-9-27.4-2. "Drainage board" defined
36-9-27.4-3. "Natural surface watercourse" defined
36-9-27.4-4. "Obstruction" defined
36-9-27.4-5. "Owner" defined
36-9-27.4-6. "Person" defined
36-9-27.4-7. "Respondent" defined
36-9-27.4-8. "Tract" defined
36-9-27.4-9. Petition for removal of obstruction
36-9-27.4-10. Required contents of petition
36-9-27.4-11. Filing fee
36-9-27.4-12. Investigation by county surveyor; duties of drainage board after receiving report of obstruction
36-9-27.4-13. Postponement and rescheduling of hearing
36-9-27.4-14. Findings of board
36-9-27.4-15. Drainage board determining whether obstruction created intentionally
36-9-27.4-16. Duty of board upon finding of intentional obstruction
36-9-27.4-17. Duty of board upon finding of unintentional obstruction
36-9-27.4-18. Additional duties of board; natural surface watercourses
36-9-27.4-19. Additional duties of board; drains
36-9-27.4-20. Landowners jointly and severally responsible for costs of obstruction removal
36-9-27.4-21. Order authorizing advance on general drain improvement fund for payment of obstruction removal expenses
36-9-27.4-22. Recovery of unpaid amounts or expenses
36-9-27.4-23. Judicial review
36-9-27.4-24. Remedies
36-9-27.4-25. Right of entry onto land