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U.S. State Codes
Title 35. Criminal Law and ...
Article 47. Weapons and Ins...
Chapter 2. Regulation of Handguns
Chapter 2. Regulation of Handguns
35-47-2-0.1. Repealed
35-47-2-1. Carrying a handgun without being licensed; exceptions; person convicted of domestic battery
35-47-2-2. Excepted persons
35-47-2-2.1. "Protection order"; carrying a handgun without being licensed
35-47-2-3. Application for license to carry a handgun; procedure
35-47-2-4. Qualified or unlimited licenses to carry handguns; fees; exemptions from payment of fees
35-47-2-5. Suspension or revocation of license; failure to return license; rules concerning procedure for suspending or revoking license
35-47-2-6. Granting or rejecting initial application; renewals
35-47-2-7. "Machine gun"; prohibited sales or transfers of ownership
35-47-2-8. Regulation of sale of handguns imposed by this chapter; application
35-47-2-9. Repealed
35-47-2-10. Repealed
35-47-2-11. Repealed
35-47-2-12. Repealed
35-47-2-13. Repealed
35-47-2-14. Necessity of retail handgun dealer's license; display
35-47-2-15. Retail handgun dealer's license; application procedure
35-47-2-16. Retail handgun dealer's license; restrictions; display; prohibited sales; gun show
35-47-2-17. Firearms and handguns; giving false information or offering false evidence of identity
35-47-2-18. Obliterating identification marks on handgun or possession of such handguns prohibited
35-47-2-19. Application of chapter
35-47-2-20. Removal of disability under this chapter
35-47-2-21. Recognition of retail dealers' licenses and licenses to carry handguns issued by other states
35-47-2-22. Use of unlawful handgun-carrying license to obtain handgun prohibited
35-47-2-23. Repealed
35-47-2-24. Indictment or information; defendant's burden to prove exemption or license; arrest, effect of production of valid license, or establishment of exemption