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U.S. State Codes
Title 35. Criminal Law and ...
Article 37. Trial Procedure
Chapter 5. Uniform Act to Secure the Attendance...
Chapter 5. Uniform Act to Secure the Attendance of Witnesses From Outside the State in Criminal Proceedings
35-37-5-1. Definitions
35-37-5-2. Subpoena; issuance; service; proof of service; fees; contempt of court
35-37-5-3. Subpoena; persons imprisoned or institutionalized within this state
35-37-5-4. Summoning witness in this state to testify in another state
35-37-5-5. Witness from another state summoned to testify in this state
35-37-5-6. Summoning prisoners in this state to testify in another state; prisoner from another state summoned to testify in this state
35-37-5-7. Federal prisoner summoned to testify in this state
35-37-5-8. Exemption from arrest or service of process
35-37-5-9. Uniformity of construction
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