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U.S. State Codes
Title 35. Criminal Law and ...
Article 33. Preliminary Pro...
Chapter 8. Bail and Bail Procedure
Chapter 8. Bail and Bail Procedure
35-33-8-0.1. Application of certain amendments to chapter
35-33-8-0.5. Pretrial risk assessment; rules; system
35-33-8-1. "Bail bond" defined
35-33-8-1.5. "Publicly paid costs of representation" defined
35-33-8-2. Murder; other offenses
35-33-8-3. Repealed
35-33-8-3.1. Repealed
35-33-8-3.2. Pretrial risk assessment; conditions to assure appearance; remittance of deposit; collection of fees
35-33-8-3.3. Pretrial services fee
35-33-8-3.5. Bail procedures for a sexually violent predator defendant
35-33-8-3.6. Automatic no contact order for certain defendants placed on bail; time limits; modification
35-33-8-3.8. Bail following pretrial risk assessment
35-33-8-3.9. Money bail; conditions; agreement
35-33-8-4. Amount of bail; order; indorsement; facts taken into account
35-33-8-4.5. Foreign national unlawfully present; bail; insurer released from liability
35-33-8-5. Alteration or revocation of bail
35-33-8-6. Probationers and parolees; detention; notice to appropriate authority; revocation proceedings
35-33-8-6.5. Eight hour holding period before person arrested for domestic violence may be released on bail
35-33-8-7. Failure to appear; pending civil action or unsatisfied judgment; same transaction or occurrence; forfeiture; order for payment; judgment; transfer of funds
35-33-8-8. Failure to appear; pending civil action or unsatisfied judgment; same transaction or occurrence; forfeiture; order for payment
35-33-8-9. Repealed
35-33-8-10. Credit card service fee
35-33-8-11. Authority to require that persons charged with a crime of domestic violence to wear a GPS device; liability for costs