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U.S. State Codes
Title 35. Criminal Law and ...
Article 33. Preliminary Pro...
Chapter 10. Securing Attendance of Defendants a...
Chapter 10. Securing Attendance of Defendants and Uniform Extradition Act
35-33-10-1. Defendant in custody; order to appear; defendant at liberty; notice to appear; arrest upon failure to appear
35-33-10-2. Defendant confined under judgment or court order or awaiting trial for another offense; order or warrant of detainer
35-33-10-3. Uniform Criminal Extradition Act
35-33-10-4. Agreement on detainers; defendants confined in other jurisdiction of United States
35-33-10-5. Defendants confined in federal institutions
35-33-10-6. Defendants outside United States
35-33-10-7. Corporate defendants