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U.S. State Codes
Title 34. Civil Law and Pro...
Article 50. Settlement of C...
Chapter 2. Annuity Structured Settlements
Chapter 2. Annuity Structured Settlements
34-50-2-1. "Interested party"
34-50-2-2. "Structured settlement"
34-50-2-3. "Transfer"
34-50-2-4. "Transferee"
34-50-2-5. Court approval of transfers required
34-50-2-6. Disclosure statements
34-50-2-7. Final orders; findings
34-50-2-8. Applications for approval of transfers
34-50-2-9. Effect of disapproval of transfers; waiver prohibited; unlawful transfers
34-50-2-10. Immunity
34-50-2-11. Failure to provide disclosure statement as incurable deceptive act