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U.S. State Codes
Title 34. Civil Law and Pro...
Article 44.5. Evidence: Uni...
Chapter 1. Uniform Interstate Depositions and D...
Chapter 1. Uniform Interstate Depositions and Discovery Act
34-44.5-1-1. "Foreign jurisdiction"
34-44.5-1-2. "Foreign subpoena"
34-44.5-1-3. "Person"
34-44.5-1-4. "State"
34-44.5-1-5. "Subpoena"
34-44.5-1-6. Subpoena; request; issuance; contents
34-44.5-1-7. Service of subpoena
34-44.5-1-8. Application of Indiana laws
34-44.5-1-9. Applications for protective orders and subpoenas; submission to court
34-44.5-1-10. Consideration for uniformity of the law
34-44.5-1-11. Application