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U.S. State Codes
Title 34. Civil Law and Pro...
Article 26. Special Proceed...
Chapter 6. Workplace Violence Restraining Orders
Chapter 6. Workplace Violence Restraining Orders
34-26-6-0.5. Application
34-26-6-1. "Course of conduct"
34-26-6-2. "Credible threat of violence"
34-26-6-3. "Employee"
34-26-6-4. "Employer"
34-26-6-5. "Unlawful violence"
34-26-6-6. Employer may seek restraining order or injunction
34-26-6-7. Affidavit; irreparable harm
34-26-6-8. Hearing; responsive pleading; burden of proof
34-26-6-9. Effective dates; renewal
34-26-6-10. Service
34-26-6-11. Delivery to law enforcement agency; availability of information in order or injunction to responding law enforcement officers
34-26-6-12. Intentional violation; invasion of privacy
34-26-6-13. Forms; instructions; rules; transmission to IDACS
34-26-6-14. Fees
34-26-6-15. Limitations on orders and injunctions