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U.S. State Codes
Title 30. Trusts and Fiduci...
Article 4. Trust Code
Chapter 5. Rules Governing the Administration o...
Chapter 5. Rules Governing the Administration of a Trust
30-4-5-0.5. Application of Uniform Principal and Income Act
30-4-5-1. Repealed
30-4-5-2. Repealed
30-4-5-3. Repealed
30-4-5-4. Repealed
30-4-5-5. Repealed
30-4-5-6. Repealed
30-4-5-7. Repealed
30-4-5-8. Repealed
30-4-5-9. Repealed
30-4-5-10. Repealed
30-4-5-11. Repealed
30-4-5-12. Accounting by trustees
30-4-5-13. Content of written statements of account filed with the court
30-4-5-14. Settlements; objections; hearing; surcharge
30-4-5-14.5. Nonjudicial settlement; procedures
30-4-5-15. Judgment; fees
30-4-5-16. Right to compensation
30-4-5-17. Compensation if trustee breaches trust
30-4-5-18. Private foundations
30-4-5-19. Private corporate foundations organized before January 1, 1970; application of IC
30-4-5-20. Private corporate foundations; effective dates of IC
30-4-5-21. Trusts for benevolent public purpose; general rules
30-4-5-22. Private and charitable trust foundations; split-interest trusts; creation before January 1, 1970; application of IC
30-4-5-23. Private and charitable trust foundations; split-interest trusts; effective date of IC
30-4-5-24. Repealed
30-4-5-25. "Interested person"; matters resolved by nonjudicial settlement agreement