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U.S. State Codes
Title 3. Elections
Article 10. Provisions Gove...
Chapter 7. Municipal Elections in Small Towns L...
Chapter 7. Municipal Elections in Small Towns Located Outside Marion County
3-10-7-1. Application of chapter
3-10-7-1.5. "Appointed member" defined
3-10-7-2. Municipal elections in general election year; conduct by county election board; other municipal elections conducted by town election board
3-10-7-2.5. Town ordinance providing length of term for members of legislative body
3-10-7-2.7. Town ordinance for changing times of election of municipal officers; effective date of ordinance or repealing ordinance
3-10-7-2.9. Changing the year municipal election is held; ordinance; exception
3-10-7-3. Municipal elections coinciding with general elections; conduct by county election board
3-10-7-4. Agreements between county election board and town
3-10-7-5. Town in county having a consolidated city; conduct of election by county election board
3-10-7-5.5. County election board conduct of town election unless town legislative body establishes election board
3-10-7-5.7. Town election boards in towns outside Marion County; applicability of county vote center plans
3-10-7-6. Restrictions on municipal office elections; nominees on ballot; exception by resolution
3-10-7-6.1. Elections for municipal offices; prohibition
3-10-7-7. Town election boards; members
3-10-7-8. Repealed
3-10-7-9. Repealed
3-10-7-10. Repealed
3-10-7-11. Chairman; secretary
3-10-7-12. Meetings
3-10-7-13. Minutes of meetings; record of votes
3-10-7-14. Repealed
3-10-7-15. Deputy election commissioners; appointment and removal; residency; duties
3-10-7-16. Employees
3-10-7-17. Purchase of materials, supplies, and equipment
3-10-7-18. Audit of books
3-10-7-19. Assistance by town marshal
3-10-7-20. Compensation of members
3-10-7-21. Powers and duties
3-10-7-22. Precinct election board; members; designation of polls
3-10-7-23. Powers and duties of precinct election board
3-10-7-24. Poll clerks; assistant poll clerks
3-10-7-25. Election sheriffs; precinct judges functioning as sheriffs
3-10-7-26. Nomination of inspector
3-10-7-27. Nomination of election officials
3-10-7-28. Appointment of nominees; vacancies
3-10-7-29. Challengers; pollbook holders
3-10-7-30. List of registered voters; copies
3-10-7-31. Election equipment furnished by county election board
3-10-7-32. Method of voting; determination; duties of election officers
3-10-7-33. Canvass of votes; filing election materials
3-10-7-34. Certification of vote; certificate of election or of approval or rejection of local public question
3-10-7-35. Appeals