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U.S. State Codes
Title 29. Probate
Article 3. Guardianships an...
Chapter 2. General Provisions
Chapter 2. General Provisions
29-3-2-0.1. Application of certain amendments to chapter
29-3-2-0.2. Application of article; effect of amendments to certain other statutes
29-3-2-1. Application of article; jurisdiction of courts
29-3-2-2. Venue for appointment of guardian; stay of proceedings; transfer of proceedings
29-3-2-3. Guardian ad litem; appointment
29-3-2-4. Discretion of court; binding orders
29-3-2-5. Residence; determination
29-3-2-6. Application of decedents' estates law to guardianships and protected persons
29-3-2-7. Submissions to the court; court requests for information