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U.S. State Codes
Title 28. Financial Institu...
Article 1. Department of Fi...
Chapter 7. Merger and Consolidation of Banks, T...
Chapter 7. Merger and Consolidation of Banks, Trust Companies, and Building and Loan Associations
28-1-7-0.5. Approval of department not required
28-1-7-1. "Corporation", "shareholder"; authority to merge or consolidate; transactions involving savings banks; merger or consolidation of corporation and affiliate
28-1-7-2. Manner of effecting merger
28-1-7-3. Resolution of approving agreement; direction for submission to vote of shareholders
28-1-7-4. Merger; submission of resolutions and joint agreement to department; approval or disapproval
28-1-7-5. Submission of merger agreement; vote required
28-1-7-6. Notice of adoption of agreement and approval by department
28-1-7-7. Repealed
28-1-7-8. Execution of merger agreement; administrative approval; abandonment of planned merger
28-1-7-9. Execution and filing articles of merger
28-1-7-10. Articles of merger; approval by secretary of state; issuance of certificate of merger
28-1-7-11. Consolidation; resolution approving joint agreements; contents
28-1-7-12. Consolidation; submission of resolutions and joint agreement to department; approval or disapproval
28-1-7-13. Shareholders' votes on consolidation agreements
28-1-7-14. Repealed
28-1-7-15. Execution of agreement
28-1-7-16. Execution and filing articles of consolidation
28-1-7-17. Secretary of state; approval of articles of consolidation; issuance of certificates of consolidation and incorporation
28-1-7-18. Effective date of merger or consolidation
28-1-7-19. Effect of merger or consolidation upon corporate structures, powers, privileges, and obligations
28-1-7-20. Recording articles of merger or consolidation
28-1-7-21. Dissenters' rights; notice; method of asserting rights; payment for shareholder's shares; withdrawal of demand; determination of value; submission of certificates
28-1-7-22. Effect of merger or consolidation upon fiduciary status of party
28-1-7-23. Effect of merger or consolidation upon letters of administration or letters testamentary
28-1-7-24. Repealed
28-1-7-25. Savings banks; request for order to merge, consolidate, or join with acquiring bank or trust company; requirements