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U.S. State Codes
Title 25. Professions and O...
Article 34.5. Respiratory C...
Chapter 2. Respiratory Care Committee; Certific...
Chapter 2. Respiratory Care Committee; Certification
25-34.5-2-1. Purpose
25-34.5-2-2. Membership
25-34.5-2-3. Terms
25-34.5-2-4. Removal of members
25-34.5-2-5. Salaries; expenses
25-34.5-2-6. Duties
25-34.5-2-6.1. Rules regarding designation of tasks
25-34.5-2-6.2. Practices not considered tasks
25-34.5-2-6.3. Practices considered tasks
25-34.5-2-6.4. Performance of tasks by unlicensed persons; oversight by practitioner
25-34.5-2-7. Rules
25-34.5-2-8. Evidence required from applicants; criminal convictions; disciplinary actions; education requirements
25-34.5-2-9. License; expiration
25-34.5-2-10. Renewal of license; reinstatement of invalid certificates
25-34.5-2-10.1. Temporary permits
25-34.5-2-11. Issuance of license by endorsement; waiver of education requirements
25-34.5-2-12. Examinations; contents; reexamination
25-34.5-2-13. Utilization of testing services
25-34.5-2-14. Student permits