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U.S. State Codes
Title 24. Trade Regulation
Article 3. Tobacco Products
Chapter 3. Qualified Escrow Fund for Tobacco Pr...
Chapter 3. Qualified Escrow Fund for Tobacco Product Manufacturers
24-3-3-1. Findings regarding cigarette smoking
24-3-3-2. "Adjusted for inflation"
24-3-3-3. "Affiliate"
24-3-3-4. "Allocable share"
24-3-3-5. "Cigarette"
24-3-3-6. "Master Settlement Agreement"
24-3-3-7. "Qualified escrow fund"
24-3-3-8. "Released claims"
24-3-3-9. "Releasing parties"
24-3-3-10. "Tobacco product manufacturer"
24-3-3-11. "Units sold"
24-3-3-12. Tobacco product manufacturers required to become participating manufacturer or place money in qualified escrow fund
24-3-3-13. Interest paid and release of escrow funds; severability
24-3-3-14. Certification of compliance with chapter; failure to make annual deposit