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U.S. State Codes
Title 23. Business and Othe...
Article 5. Other Business A...
Chapter 2. Boards of Trade, Exchanges, and Cham...
Chapter 2. Boards of Trade, Exchanges, and Chambers of Commerce
23-5-2-1. Formation of association
23-5-2-2. Purpose of association
23-5-2-3. Filing and recording articles of incorporation; amendment
23-5-2-4. Rights, powers, and privileges of associations
23-5-2-5. Shares of corporation
23-5-2-6. Officers, directors, and agents; books and records
23-5-2-7. Settlement of disputes
23-5-2-8. Violations; penalties
23-5-2-9. Mutual mortuary benefits
23-5-2-10. Report to general assembly