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U.S. State Codes
Title 23. Business and Othe...
Article 17. Nonprofit Corpo...
Chapter 17. Amendment of Articles of Incorporation
Chapter 17. Amendment of Articles of Incorporation
23-17-17-1. Written approval by specified person
23-17-17-2. Termination, redemption, or cancellation of members or class of members of public benefit or mutual benefit corporation
23-17-17-3. Adding or changing required or permitted provision; deleting provision not required
23-17-17-4. Adoption by board of directors without member approval; amendments adopted by incorporators
23-17-17-5. Approval by board of directors, members, and person whose approval is required; initiation of amendment by board of directors; approval at membership meeting; notice; approval by written consent or ballot; amendment summary
23-17-17-6. Public benefit, mutual benefit, or religious corporation; vote by members of class
23-17-17-7. Delivery to secretary of state of articles of amendment; amendment changing corporate name
23-17-17-8. Restatement of articles of incorporation; amendment of articles included in restatement; approval
23-17-17-9. Articles of restatement; delivery to secretary of state; statements required to be included; effect of restated articles; certification by secretary of state
23-17-17-10. Amendment of articles of incorporation to carry out reorganization plan
23-17-17-11. Rights, claims, proceedings, and limitations not affected by amendment to articles or by change of corporate name