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U.S. State Codes
Title 22. Labor and Safety
Article 4. Unemployment Com...
Chapter 13.3. Administrative Withholding for Be...
Chapter 13.3. Administrative Withholding for Benefit Overpayments
22-4-13.3-1. Applicability of chapter; authority for department to require income withholding
22-4-13.3-2. Notice to individual subject to income withholding; contents of notice
22-4-13.3-3. Notice to employer to withhold income; contents of notice
22-4-13.3-4. Employer's duties related to income withholding; fee for withholding income
22-4-13.3-5. Employer may not discriminate against employee because of income withholding; employee remedies
22-4-13.3-6. Employer refusal to withhold income or income misrepresented; department remedies
22-4-13.3-7. Employer and department immunity; limitations on income withholding; rule-making authority
22-4-13.3-8. Contest of income withholding; basis for contest; administrative hearing; review of administrative decision