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U.S. State Codes
Title 22. Labor and Safety
Article 4.1. Department of ...
Chapter 21. Postsecondary Proprietary Education...
Chapter 21. Postsecondary Proprietary Educational Institution Accreditation
22-4.1-21-1. Definitions
22-4.1-21-2. "Accreditation"
22-4.1-21-3. "Agent"
22-4.1-21-4. "Agent's permit"
22-4.1-21-5. "Application"
22-4.1-21-6. "Course"
22-4.1-21-7. "Fund"
22-4.1-21-8. "Person"
22-4.1-21-9. "Postsecondary proprietary educational institution"
22-4.1-21-10. Establishment of office for career and technical school; administration
22-4.1-21-11. Purpose
22-4.1-21-12. Accreditation
22-4.1-21-13. Applications; fee
22-4.1-21-14. Applications; contents
22-4.1-21-15. Application; bond
22-4.1-21-16. Bond amount; determination; contributions to fund
22-4.1-21-17. Curriculum catalog and promotional brochure; contents
22-4.1-21-18. Student assurance fund; administration
22-4.1-21-19. Quarterly contributions to fund; determination; bond
22-4.1-21-20. Investigation
22-4.1-21-21. Inspection fee
22-4.1-21-22. Student records; contents; submit records to department
22-4.1-21-23. Accreditation standards
22-4.1-21-24. Issuance of accreditation; renewal
22-4.1-21-25. Revocation
22-4.1-21-26. Hearing; filing objection to order; commissioner ultimate authority
22-4.1-21-27. Suspension
22-4.1-21-28. Representations
22-4.1-21-29. Agent's permit; liability of institution
22-4.1-21-30. Temporary permit; revocation of permit
22-4.1-21-31. Remedy; damages or other relief
22-4.1-21-32. Remedy; void contracts
22-4.1-21-33. Misrepresentation
22-4.1-21-34. Claims by students for loss or damage; investigation; limitations; claim against balance of fund
22-4.1-21-35. Claims against balance of fund for reimbursement of tuition and fees; determination; priorities
22-4.1-21-36. Relief; injunction
22-4.1-21-37. Review
22-4.1-21-38. Violations
22-4.1-21-39. Establishment of proprietary educational institution accreditation fund; collection of fees