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U.S. State Codes
Title 22. Labor and Safety
Article 3. Worker's Compens...
Chapter 3. Worker's Compensation: Notice of Inj...
Chapter 3. Worker's Compensation: Notice of Injury; Treatment; Compensation Schedule; Payments
22-3-3-1. Notice of injury; time
22-3-3-2. Notice of injury; contents; signature
22-3-3-3. Limitation of actions; radiation
22-3-3-4. Medical treatment pending adjudication of impairment
22-3-3-4.5. Repackaged drugs; maximum reimbursement amount
22-3-3-4.7. Formulary; reimbursement for "N" drug
22-3-3-5. Medical treatment; liability of estate; right to order payment; medical service provider claims; attending physician fees
22-3-3-5.1. Collection of medical expense payments; civil penalties; good faith errors
22-3-3-5.2. Billing review service standards
22-3-3-6. Physical examination; physician's statement; autopsy
22-3-3-7. Temporary disability benefits; installment payments; termination; overpayment
22-3-3-7.5. Average weekly wages of public employee; determination
22-3-3-8. Temporary total disability or total permanent disability; awards
22-3-3-9. Temporary partial disability; awards
22-3-3-10. Injuries schedule
22-3-3-10.5. Permanent partial impairment agreement; supporting documentation; payment of compensation; civil penalty
22-3-3-11. Partial disability; refusing employment; notice
22-3-3-12. Subsequent permanent injuries; aggravation; awards
22-3-3-13. Second injury fund; employee compensation; employer assessments; penalties
22-3-3-14. Subsequent injuries; two awards
22-3-3-15. Subsequent injuries; awards; extending period of payment
22-3-3-16. Death while receiving awards; dependents; payment
22-3-3-17. Death benefits
22-3-3-18. Death resulting from injuries; award; payment to dependents
22-3-3-19. Presumptive dependents; termination of dependency
22-3-3-20. Total or partial dependents; eligibility; termination
22-3-3-21. Burial expenses
22-3-3-22. Awards; computation
22-3-3-23. Mistake in payments; deductions; payments to state employees
22-3-3-24. Compensation ordered by single hearing board member; payments; time of payments; civil penalty
22-3-3-25. Lump sum payments; minors; interest rate
22-3-3-26. Lump sum payments; trustees
22-3-3-27. Jurisdiction; modification of award
22-3-3-28. Children and minors; direct payments
22-3-3-29. Injured employee or dependent under guardianship
22-3-3-30. Incompetent persons; limitation of actions
22-3-3-31. Joint service of two or more employers; apportionment of award
22-3-3-32. Construction of article