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U.S. State Codes
Title 22. Labor and Safety
Article 14. Fire Safety Law...
Chapter 2. Office of the State Fire Marshal; Bo...
Chapter 2. Office of the State Fire Marshal; Board of Firefighting Personnel Standards and Education
22-14-2-1. Repealed
22-14-2-2. State fire marshal; appointment; qualifications
22-14-2-3. Repealed
22-14-2-4. Powers of the division and the state fire marshal
22-14-2-5. Public information on fire prevention; copies of fire safety rules
22-14-2-6. Training programs for fire department personnel; fire and public safety academy training system; staff and meeting facilities provided to education board
22-14-2-7. Firefighting training and education programs; certification; fee
22-14-2-7.5. Vacancies; orders
22-14-2-8. Investigations; powers of office; subpoenas; discovery orders; per diem and mileage allowance
22-14-2-9. Plans and specifications for design release; review and approval
22-14-2-10. Fire safety enforcement program and complaint investigation program
22-14-2-11. Inspection programs
22-14-2-12. Fire investigator retirement