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U.S. State Codes
Title 22. Labor and Safety
Article 1. Department of Labor
Chapter 5. Home Care Consumers and Worker Prote...
Chapter 5. Home Care Consumers and Worker Protection
22-1-5-1. "Attendant care services"
22-1-5-2. "Companion type services"
22-1-5-3. "Consumer"
22-1-5-4. "Consumer notice"
22-1-5-5. "Department"
22-1-5-6. "Home care services"
22-1-5-7. "Home care services worker"
22-1-5-8. "Homemaker services"
22-1-5-9. "Placement agency"
22-1-5-10. "Skilled services"
22-1-5-11. "Worker notice"
22-1-5-12. Application of chapter
22-1-5-13. Consumer notice; criminal history check
22-1-5-14. Consumer notice information
22-1-5-15. Failure to provide consumer notice
22-1-5-16. Worker notice
22-1-5-17. Worker notice information
22-1-5-18. Investigation of complaints
22-1-5-19. Penalties