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U.S. State Codes
Title 21. Higher Education
Article 31. State Education...
Chapter 2. General Powers
Chapter 2. General Powers
21-31-2-1. Applicability of section; use of property
21-31-2-2. Ball State board; authority to receive, administer, and dispose of all donations, bequests, grants, funds, and other property
21-31-2-3. Trusts
21-31-2-4. Indiana University board; authority to acquire real and personal property
21-31-2-5. Ivy Tech Community College board; authority to acquire, construct, and control real and personal property
21-31-2-6. Purdue University board; authority to hold and manage personal and real property
21-31-2-7. University of Southern Indiana board; authority to receive, administer, and dispose of all donations, bequests, grants, funds, and other property
21-31-2-8. Vincennes University board; authority to purchase, hold, lease, or convey real or personal property
21-31-2-9. Vincennes University board; authority to erect, purchase, or hire suitable buildings
21-31-2-10. Vincennes University board; powers
21-31-2-11. Vincennes University board; authority to lease or sell property
21-31-2-12. Acquisition of land; eminent domain
21-31-2-13. Vincennes University board; duties
21-31-2-13.5. Indiana State University; Hulman Center; lease and ownership restrictions