Sec. 14. (a) The referendum shall be held in the next primary election, general election, or municipal election in which all the registered voters who are residents of the school corporation are entitled to vote after certification of the question under IC 3-10-9-3. The certification of the question must occur not later than noon:
(1) sixty (60) days before a primary election if the question is to be placed on the primary or municipal primary election ballot; or
(2) August 1 if the question is to be placed on the general or municipal election ballot.
(b) However, if a primary election, general election, or municipal election will not be held during the first year in which the public question is eligible to be placed on the ballot under this chapter and if the school corporation requests the public question to be placed on the ballot at a special election, the public question shall be placed on the ballot at a special election to be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in May or November of the year. The certification must occur not later than noon:
(1) sixty (60) days before a special election to be held in May (if the special election is to be held in May); or
(2) August 1 (if the special election is to be held in November).
(c) If the referendum is not conducted at a primary election, general election, or municipal election, the school corporation in which the referendum is to be held shall pay all the costs of holding the referendum.
As added by P.L.272-2019, SEC.12.