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U.S. State Codes
Title 20. Education
Article 19. State Administr...
Chapter 2. State Board of Education
Chapter 2. State Board of Education
20-19-2-1. Repealed
20-19-2-2. Expired
20-19-2-2.1. Establishment of state board
20-19-2-2.2. Membership; quorum; monthly meetings
20-19-2-2.3. Transfer or responsibilities relating to the state board
20-19-2-2.4. Meeting agenda and notice
20-19-2-3. Repealed
20-19-2-4. Repealed
20-19-2-4.5. Advisory committee on career and technical education
20-19-2-5. Hearing examiners
20-19-2-6. Secretary; powers and duties; seal
20-19-2-7. Compensation of board members
20-19-2-8. Adoption of administrative rules by state board
20-19-2-9. Repealed
20-19-2-10. Policy; recognition of educational programs of nonpublic schools; accreditation; waiver of accreditation for certain schools
20-19-2-11. School improvement and achievement plans; rules
20-19-2-12. Guidelines on selection school sites and construction, alteration, and repair of school buildings and facilities
20-19-2-13. Repealed
20-19-2-14. Duties of state board
20-19-2-14.5. Adoption of Indiana college and career readiness educational standards; implementation
20-19-2-15. Freeway school corporation and freeway school
20-19-2-16. Federal aid concerning children with disabilities
20-19-2-17. Federal aid concerning career and technical education
20-19-2-18. State treasurer as custodian for career and technical education funds
20-19-2-19. Federal funds for career and technical education; use of funds subject to allocation by general assembly
20-19-2-20. Repealed
20-19-2-21. Establishment of standard diploma
20-19-2-22. Assigning new identification number; rules
20-19-2-22.5. Establishment of EDR working group