Revisor's Note: The version of IC 2-6-1.5-5 printed in the 2004 edition of the Indiana Code was printed incorrectly. Use the version of IC 2-6-1.5-5 printed in the 2016 edition of the Indiana Code for the period 2004 through June 30, 2017. Use the version of IC 2-6-1.5-5 printed in the 2017 edition of the Indiana Code for the period July 1, 2017, through March 13, 2018. Use the following version after March 13, 2018.
Sec. 5. (a) Not more than fourteen (14) days (including Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays) after the last day the governor must take action on enrolled acts passed during any session of the general assembly, the legislative services agency shall distribute to the clerk of the circuit court of each county one (1) copy of each enrolled act of that session which became law.
(b) A copy of the enrolled acts distributed under subsection (a) may be in:
(1) a paper format; or
(2) an electronic format.
(c) This distribution shall be delivered by:
(1) certified mail that includes return receipt; or
(2) any other means of delivery, including delivery in an electronic format that provides for verification or acknowledgment of receipt;
to each of the clerks of the counties of the state, and shall fulfill the publication and circulation requirements of Art. 4, Sec. 28 of the Constitution of the State of Indiana.
(d) Each clerk of the circuit court, upon delivery to the circuit court clerk of the copy of the enrolled acts under this section, shall send a certificate to the governor showing the name of the county or counties served by the circuit court clerk, the signature of the circuit court clerk, and the date of receipt of the enrolled acts. The certificate shall be prepared in the format specified by the governor and returned to the governor in the manner specified by the governor. The governor may require the certificate to be returned by:
(1) first class mail under the seal of the office; or
(2) any other means of delivery, including delivery in an electronic format that provides for authentication by electronic signature (as defined in IC 26-2-8-102).
If the governor requires return of certificates in an electronic format, a circuit court clerk shall electronically send a copy of the certificate in the same manner and at the same time to the executive director of the legislative services agency. However, failure to do so does not invalidate the certification.
(e) As soon as certificates from all the counties have been received, the governor shall certify the date at which the latest filing took place and publish the certification in the Indiana Register. All courts shall take notice of the facts contained in the certification.
Formerly: Acts 1973, P.L.4, SEC.2. As amended by Acts 1978, P.L.3, SEC.3; P.L.8-1997, SEC.2; P.L.2-2001, SEC.1; P.L.269-2017, SEC.2; P.L.72-2018, SEC.8.