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U.S. State Codes
Title 15. Agriculture and A...
Article 17. Animal Health a...
Chapter 18. Crimes and Infractions
Chapter 18. Crimes and Infractions
15-17-18-1. Interference with tests
15-17-18-2. Interference with identification
15-17-18-3. Sale or transfer of diseased animals
15-17-18-4. Transport of diseased cattle
15-17-18-5. Transport with nondiseased animals
15-17-18-6. Importation
15-17-18-7. Transportation of diseased domestic animals
15-17-18-8. Animals running at large
15-17-18-9. Offenses; general
15-17-18-10. Dogs under 8 weeks; sale transport with dam required; exception
15-17-18-11. Birds and rabbits; sales restricted
15-17-18-12. Certain violations; civil penalty; injunctions
15-17-18-13. Certain written certificates and documents