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U.S. State Codes
Title 15. Agriculture and A...
Article 17. Animal Health a...
Chapter 14.7. Hunting Preserves
Chapter 14.7. Hunting Preserves
15-17-14.7-1. "Hunting preserve"
15-17-14.7-2. "Licensed owner"
15-17-14.7-3. Permitted animal
15-17-14.7-4. Initial license; change of ownership; annual inspections; fee
15-17-14.7-5. Permitted animals property of the owner
15-17-14.7-6. Hunting preserve requirements
15-17-14.7-7. Report of escape
15-17-14.7-8. Prohibited activities
15-17-14.7-9. Hunting permit required; expiration; fees; confidential information
15-17-14.7-10. Transportation and cull tags
15-17-14.7-11. Records of licensed owner; inspection of records
15-17-14.7-12. Hunting season; bag limits; hunting fees
15-17-14.7-13. Weapons allowed; computer assisted remote hunting prohibited
15-17-14.7-14. Animal standards of care; rules; inspections
15-17-14.7-15. Violations
15-17-14.7-16. Captive cervidae programs fund