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U.S. State Codes
Title 15. Agriculture and A...
Article 16. Horticulture Co...
Chapter 7. Weed Control Board
Chapter 7. Weed Control Board
15-16-7-1. "Authorizing body"
15-16-7-2. "Noxious weed"
15-16-7-3. Establishment of weed control board
15-16-7-4. Board members; terms; officers; traveling expenses
15-16-7-5. Executive director; employees
15-16-7-6. County highway supervisor and soil and water conservation district supervisor duties
15-16-7-7. Board's powers and duties
15-16-7-8. Marijuana eradication program
15-16-7-9. Property owners; obligation to control noxious weeds; removal notice
15-16-7-10. Cutting and destroying noxious weeds by board; statement of costs to property owner
15-16-7-11. Failure to pay for weed removal; amount placed on tax duplicate; disposition of funds
15-16-7-12. Cutting and destroying weeds by the board on governmental property
15-16-7-13. Duties of the county auditor concerning certified statement of costs
15-16-7-14. Cooperative extension service; technical assistance
15-16-7-15. Violation; failure to comply with board