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U.S. State Codes
Title 15. Agriculture and A...
Article 15. Horticulture Pr...
Chapter 1. Indiana Seed Law
Chapter 1. Indiana Seed Law
15-15-1-1. "Advertisement"
15-15-1-2. "Agricultural seed"
15-15-1-3. "Brand"
15-15-1-4. "Bulk lot"; "in bulk"
15-15-1-5. "Certifying agency"
15-15-1-5.5. "Cool season lawn and turf grasses"
15-15-1-6. "Distribute"
15-15-1-7. "Effective"
15-15-1-8. "Hybrid"
15-15-1-9. "Kind"
15-15-1-10. "Label"
15-15-1-11. "Labeling"
15-15-1-12. "Legume inoculant"
15-15-1-13. "Lot"
15-15-1-14. "Noxious weed seed"
15-15-1-15. "Percent"; "percentage"
15-15-1-15.5. "Permit"
15-15-1-16. "Person"
15-15-1-17. "Pre-inoculated seed"
15-15-1-18. "Prohibited noxious weed seed"
15-15-1-19. "Record"
15-15-1-20. "Restricted noxious weed seed"
15-15-1-20.5. "Special use permit"
15-15-1-21. "Treated"
15-15-1-22. "Type"
15-15-1-23. "Variety"
15-15-1-24. "Vegetable seed"
15-15-1-25. "Weed seed"
15-15-1-26. State seed commissioner
15-15-1-27. Commissioner's duties; agent's authority
15-15-1-28. Rules; pure seed and germination
15-15-1-29. Rules; purity of hybrid seed
15-15-1-30. Label; pre-inoculated seed
15-15-1-31. Exceptions from labeling requirements
15-15-1-32. Agricultural seeds; information for purchaser; label; bulk purchase
15-15-1-33. Vegetable seeds; label information
15-15-1-34. Fees; permits; reporting
15-15-1-35. Deposit of collected fees; disposition of fees
15-15-1-36. Fees and samples
15-15-1-37. Repealed
15-15-1-38. Seizure of agricultural or vegetable seed; court disposition of seed
15-15-1-39. Injunctions
15-15-1-40. Unlawful distribution
15-15-1-41. Unlawful acts
15-15-1-42. Violations
15-15-1-43. Regulation of seed by political subdivision prohibited; waiver; hearing