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U.S. State Codes
Title 14. Natural and Cultu...
Article 37. Oil and Gas
Chapter 4. Permits
Chapter 4. Permits
14-37-4-1. Permit required for oil and gas activities
14-37-4-2. Duties of owner or operator
14-37-4-3. Permit not property right or exclusive privilege
14-37-4-4. Permit form
14-37-4-5. Document accompanying permit application
14-37-4-6. Bond and permit fee; expedited review
14-37-4-7. Operator's signature on permit
14-37-4-8. Permit issuance upon compliance with article and rules
14-37-4-8.5. Exercise of rights pertaining to coal bed methane; waste; application for permit to drill for testing or production
14-37-4-9. Denial of permit
14-37-4-10. Permit continuance for non-Class II wells
14-37-4-11. Expiration of permit
14-37-4-12. Permit continuance for Class II wells
14-37-4-13. Emergency permits
14-37-4-14. Transfer permits
14-37-4-15. Violations