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U.S. State Codes
Title 14. Natural and Cultu...
Article 33. Conservancy Dis...
Chapter 7. Payment of Expenses
Chapter 7. Payment of Expenses
14-33-7-0.1. Application of certain amendments to chapter
14-33-7-1. Special benefit taxes
14-33-7-2. Water supply, treatment, and distribution; assessments; tap-in fees
14-33-7-3. Special benefits tax rate
14-33-7-4. Property exempt from special benefits tax
14-33-7-5. Additional revenue
14-33-7-6. Notice costs and court costs
14-33-7-7. Costs of establishing district; loans and advances
14-33-7-8. Fiscal year
14-33-7-9. Amended district plan; expenses
14-33-7-10. Loans from federal agencies for works of improvement
14-33-7-11. Petition for approval of financial commitments
14-33-7-12. District plan to include federal agency agreements
14-33-7-13. Special benefits tax levied although district plan abandoned
14-33-7-14. Note issuance
14-33-7-15. County auditor issuing warrants for money
14-33-7-16. Necessary expenses
14-33-7-17. Repayment of money advanced to district