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U.S. State Codes
Title 14. Natural and Cultu...
Article 22. Fish and Wildlife
Chapter 6. Regulation of Birds and Mammals
Chapter 6. Regulation of Birds and Mammals
14-22-6-1. Taking of wild animals governed by laws and rules
14-22-6-2. Migratory birds; taking governed by article
14-22-6-3. Migratory birds; permit or license requirement
14-22-6-4. Trapping; tending traps
14-22-6-5. Trapping; underwater box traps
14-22-6-6. Trapping; snares
14-22-6-7. Jacklighting prohibited
14-22-6-8. Sale of wild birds or mammals governed by article
14-22-6-9. Shooting from or across public highways prohibited; applicability
14-22-6-10. Shooting into or across waters of the state
14-22-6-11. Repealed
14-22-6-12. Taking of coyotes
14-22-6-13. Controlled hunts in state parks and historic sites
14-22-6-14. Control of deer population; landowner assistance program
14-22-6-16. Use of unmanned aerial vehicles to aid hunting