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U.S. State Codes
Title 14. Natural and Cultu...
Article 22. Fish and Wildlife
Chapter 10. Wildlife Regulation
Chapter 10. Wildlife Regulation
14-22-10-0.1. Application of certain amendments to chapter
14-22-10-1. Consent to use private land
14-22-10-2. Restrictions on landowner liability to recreational users
14-22-10-2.5. Restrictions on landowner liability to hunters, fishers, and trappers
14-22-10-3. Transportation of fish and game outside state
14-22-10-4. Possession of fish or game taken in foreign nation or state
14-22-10-5. Wild animals illegally taken or accidentally killed
14-22-10-6. Liability for destruction of wild animals by pollutant
14-22-10-7. Effort to retrieve crippled or killed wild animals
14-22-10-8. Fish and game preserves
14-22-10-9. Interstate agreements on boundary waters
14-22-10-10. State as sole regulator
14-22-10-11. Regulation of raptors