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U.S. State Codes
Title 14. Natural and Cultu...
Article 20. State Museums a...
Chapter 15. Lewis and Clark Bicentennial Commis...
Chapter 15. Lewis and Clark Bicentennial Commission
14-20-15-1. Repealed
14-20-15-2. "Commission"
14-20-15-3. Establishment of commission
14-20-15-3.3. Commission is successor to Lewis and Clark Bicentennial Commission; service of members
14-20-15-4. Membership
14-20-15-5. Chair; meeting notice
14-20-15-6. Permissible activities
14-20-15-7. Nonprofit corporation to assist commission
14-20-15-8. Repealed
14-20-15-9. Expenses paid from Lewis and Clark expedition fund
14-20-15-10. Salary per diem; traveling and other expenses
14-20-15-11. Voting and nonvoting members; term of members
14-20-15-12. Citizen advisory board
14-20-15-13. Public money acquired by the commission; accounts; vote; penalties