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U.S. State Codes
Title 13. Environment
Article 29. Interstate Comp...
Chapter 1. Midwest Interstate Compact on Low-Le...
Chapter 1. Midwest Interstate Compact on Low-Level Radioactive Waste
13-29-1-1. Policy and purpose
13-29-1-2. Definitions
13-29-1-3. The commission
13-29-1-4. Regional management plan
13-29-1-5. Rights and obligations of party states
13-29-1-6. Development, operation, and closing of compact facilities
13-29-1-7. Other laws and regulations
13-29-1-8. Eligible parties, withdrawal, revocation, suspension of access, entry into force, and termination
13-29-1-9. Penalties and enforcement
13-29-1-10. Severability and construction
13-29-1-11. Commission members; appointment; tenure
13-29-1-12. Commission members; per diems and expenses
13-29-1-13. Rules
13-29-1-14. Violations; offenses; penalties