(505 ILCS 90/1) (from Ch. 5, par. 61) Sec. 1. This Act may be cited as the Insect Pest and Plant Disease Act. (Source: P.A. 86-1475.)
(505 ILCS 90/2) (from Ch. 5, par. 62) Sec. 2. Words used in this Act shall be construed to import either the plural or the singular, as the case demands. For the purposes of this Act, the following terms shall be construed, respectively, to mean: Compliance agreement - A written agreement between a person engaged in growing, handling, or moving nursery stock, plants, and plant products, plant insects, or any combination of those items and the Director, in which the former agrees to specified conditions, requirements, or both, in order to remain compliant with the terms of a plant or plant-insect quarantine. Devastating insect or plant disease - An insect or plant disease, for which a quarantine exists, that the Director determines could have a serious and devastating effect on the nursery industry or environment. Director - The Director of the Illinois Department of Agriculture or his or her authorized representative. Department - The Department of Agriculture of the State of Illinois. Insect Pests - Insects, crustaceans, arachnids and vermes injurious to plants, plant products, animals and man. Plant Diseases - Fungi bacteria, nematodes, protozoans and viruses injurious to plants and plant products, and the pathological condition in plants and plant products, caused by fungi bacteria, nematodes, protozoans and viruses. Nursery Stock - All field-grown and native trees, Christmas trees, sod, shrubs, herbaceous perennials, vines, cuttings, grafts, scions, buds, fruit-pits and other seeds of fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs; also other plants and plant products for, or capable of, propagation, excepting field, vegetable and flower seeds, bedding plants, and other herbaceous plants, bulbs and roots. Plants and Plant Products - Trees, shrubs, vines, forage and cereal plants and all other plants; cuttings, grafts, scions, buds, and all other parts of plants; and fruit, vegetables, roots, bulbs, seeds, wood, lumber, and all other parts of plants and plant products. Nursery - Any grounds or premises on or in which nursery stock is propagated and grown or from which nursery stock is collected for sale, or any grounds or premises on or in which nursery stock is being fumigated, treated, packed or stored. Nurseryman - Any person who owns, leases, manages, or is in charge of a nursery, and who propagates nursery stock. Nursery Dealer - Any person or landscaper not a grower of nursery stock in this State, who buys, sells, ships, or distributes nursery stock for commercial or monetary gain in the State of Illinois. Landscaper - Any person who is engaged in development and decorative planting of gardens and grounds for commercial or monetary gain and who uses nursery stock in his landscape development. Person - Includes a corporation, company, society, association, partnership, governmental agency and any individual or combination of individuals. (Source: P.A. 91-713, eff. 6-2-00.)
(505 ILCS 90/3) (from Ch. 5, par. 63) Sec. 3. The Department shall have authority to inspect any place which might become infested or infected with insect pests or diseases. It shall also have authority to inspect or reinspect at any time or place any nursery stock shipped into the State. For the purpose of inspection and carrying out the provisions of this Act, the Director shall have free access to any field, orchard, garden, packing ground, building, cellar, freight or express office, warehouse, car or other vehicle, vessel, or other place where it may be necessary or desirable for them to go, or which it may be necessary for them to inspect, in the performance of their duties. The nurseryman or nursery dealer shall provide assistance as may be necessary for any inspection or examination made in accordance with this Act and rules. It shall be unlawful to deny such access to the Director, or to offer any resistance to the officers and employees of the Department, or to thwart or hinder such inspection by misrepresenting or concealing facts, or conditions, or otherwise. Department personnel shall not be personally liable for damage or injury resulting from the performance of their duties. (Source: P.A. 85-324.)
(505 ILCS 90/3.01) (from Ch. 5, par. 63a) Sec. 3.01. A nurseryman and nursery dealer shall maintain for one year records of plant purchases, acquisitions, sales or other distributions, and make the records available upon request to the Director for inspection. It shall be unlawful for any person to withhold records, keep or file false records or to inaccurately alter his or her records or to present to the Department any materially false records. (Source: P.A. 85-324.)
(505 ILCS 90/3.02) (from Ch. 5, par. 63b) Sec. 3.02. The Director is authorized when application is made to issue a permit for shipment into or within the State of injurious plant pests for research or diagnostic purposes. (Source: P.A. 85-324.)
(505 ILCS 90/4) (from Ch. 5, par. 64) Sec. 4. Persons desiring to sell or give away nursery stock in this State, in conjunction with their business as nurserymen, shall make an initial application on forms furnished by the Department. Any person failing to comply with this Section is in violation of this Act. It is unlawful for any person to make a false declaration of acreage or cause any concealment of nursery stock from inspection by the Director. (Source: P.A. 85-324.)
(505 ILCS 90/4.01) Sec. 4.01. (Repealed). (Source: P.A. 85-324. Repealed by P.A. 100-112, eff. 8-15-17.)
(505 ILCS 90/5) (from Ch. 5, par. 65) Sec. 5. The Department shall inspect at least once each year all nurseries in the State of Illinois as to whether they are infested with insect pests or infected with plant diseases. The Department has authority to collect specimens of plant material in order to make cultures and positive identifications of plant pests. The Department also has authority to inspect nursery stock which is stored in cellars, heeling in grounds or warehouses, to ascertain whether it is infested with insect pests or plant diseases. If, upon the inspection of any nursery, it appears that such nursery and its premises are not infected or infested with insect pests and plant diseases, the Department shall issue to the nursery a certificate of inspection. The certificate of inspection shall be valid until December 31 of the following year. This certificate must be prominently displayed in the main office of the business. The provisions of this Section do not apply to florists' greenhouse plants nor to flowers or cuttings commonly known as greenhouse stock. It is unlawful for any person to sell or offer for sale, or to remove or ship from a nursery or other premises, any nursery stock until such stock has been officially inspected and a certificate or permit covering it has been granted by the Department, except that nursery stock may be shipped to the Department without such inspection and certification. (Source: P.A. 85-324.)
(505 ILCS 90/6) (from Ch. 5, par. 66) Sec. 6. If the Department finds that a nursery is infested or infected with insect pests or plant diseases, or if the Department shall have reason to believe that a nursery, by way of its proximity to an infested or infected premises, will become so infested or infected before the next annual inspection, the Department may prescribe in writing such conditions and precautions as to the use of the certificate of inspection, as may in its judgment be necessary. The Department may withhold or suspend a certificate until such conditions have been accepted in writing by the owner of said nursery. The unlawful use of a conditionally issued certificate of inspection shall be a violation of this Act. (Source: P.A. 85-324.)
(505 ILCS 90/7) (from Ch. 5, par. 67) Sec. 7. Every nursery dealer engaged in selling nursery stock in this State shall, before selling, offering for sale or delivering any stock, make annual application to the Department for a nursery dealer's certificate. A separate certificate shall be required for each location which must be prominently displayed at each place of business. A nurseryman who is also acting as a nursery dealer at the same location shall be exempt from procuring the nursery dealer's certificate. This nursery dealers certificate shall expire the 31st day of December each year. An application shall be made on forms to be furnished by the Department. A nursery dealer is authorized to sell under a nursery dealer's certificate only nursery stock which has been inspected and certified by the Department or which is accompanied by a valid certificate of inspection of a Federal or State inspector, stating that such stock was inspected and is apparently free from insect pests and plant diseases. For Christmas trees originating outside Illinois only trees from State or federal quarantine areas are required to be accompanied by a certificate of inspection. Such nursery dealer's certificate may be attached to nursery stock offered for shipment or delivery in lieu of the certificate of inspection from the nursery from which the stock was procured. The Department may prescribe in writing such conditions and precautions as to the use of the nursery dealer's certificate, as may in its judgment be necessary. (Source: P.A. 88-292.)
(505 ILCS 90/10) (from Ch. 5, par. 70) Sec. 10. If it is found that any certificate issued or approved by the Department is being used in connection with nursery stock or other plants which have not been inspected, or which are infested with insect pests or infected with plant diseases, or which are being sold, delivered or distributed without treatment being given or other precautionary measures prescribed by the Department being observed by the owner, or with the knowledge of the owner, is being used by persons other than the one to whom it was issued, without permission of the Department, the Director may require the owner of such certificate to appear before him, on a date specified, for a hearing to show cause why his certificate should not be suspended or revoked. If, after such hearing, the Director finds that such certificate has been wrongfully used in one or more of the ways specified in this Act, or if the owner of such certificate fails to appear at such hearing, he may issue an order suspending or revoking such certificate, and the use of such certificate, after it has been suspended or revoked shall be unlawful, and shall subject the owner thereof to the penalty prescribed in this Act. The Department may withhold a certificate of inspection from any person applying for the same if such person fails to comply with the requirements of the Department with reference to freeing his nursery and premises of insect pests and plant diseases and may refuse to certify a nursery if the same, for lack of care or from neglect, is in such condition that it cannot be adequately inspected. The Department may refuse to issue or may suspend the certificate of any person who fails to file a return, or to pay the tax, penalty or interest shown in a filed return, or to pay any final assessment of tax, penalty or interest, as required by any tax Act administered by the Illinois Department of Revenue, until such time as the requirements of any such tax Act are satisfied. (Source: P.A. 85-324.)
(505 ILCS 90/11) (from Ch. 5, par. 71) Sec. 11. It shall be unlawful for any person to bring or cause to be brought into this State any nursery stock unless there is plainly and legibly marked thereon or affixed thereto, or on, or to the car or other vehicles carrying the same, or on the bundle, package, or other container of the same in a conspicuous place, a statement showing the names and addresses of the consignor, and the consignee, the general nature of the contents, together with a certificate of inspection of the proper official of the state, territory, district, or country from which it was brought or shipped, showing that such nursery stock was found or believed to be free from insect pests and plant diseases. For Christmas trees originating outside Illinois only trees from State or federal quarantine areas are required to be accompanied by a certificate of inspection. (Source: P.A. 88-292.)
(505 ILCS 90/12) (from Ch. 5, par. 72) Sec. 12. Every nurseryman or nursery dealer who sells or gives away nursery stock in this State is hereby required to attach to the outside of each package, box, bale, or carload shipped, transported or delivered by any means, a tag or poster on which appears an exact copy of the valid certificate, except over-the-counter retail sales, accompanied by a sales slip. It is unlawful for any common carrier, or driver, or owner of a truck or other vehicle to accept for shipment, or transportation, or to transport any nursery stock from place to place within the State unless such nursery stock has attached thereto a valid official certificate of inspection showing that such stock has been inspected and found apparently free from injurious insect pests and plant diseases, a nursery dealer's certificate or a certificate showing that the shipment has been authorized by the Department. However, nursery stock consigned to the Department may be offered and accepted for shipment and shipped without such certificate. In case any nursery stock is shipped or transported in this State or into this State from another state, country or province without a required valid certificate plainly affixed as aforesaid, the fact must be promptly reported to the Department by the person carrying the same, together with the names of the consignor and consignee, and the nature of the shipment, and the person carrying such stock must return it to the consignor, hold it for instructions from the Department, or send it to the Department, with the transportation charges prepaid, for inspection. Any person receiving nursery stock transported from any point within the State, or any other state, country, or province, without a valid certificate affixed as aforesaid, shall at once notify the Department of the fact, and shall not plant, use or allow such nursery stock to leave his possession until it has been inspected or released by the Department, and the expenses incurred in making such inspection are paid by him. Such stock may be shipped to the Department, with all transportation charges prepaid, for inspection without any additional expense to the owner other than transportation, drayage and storage charges when such charges are necessarily incurred. (Source: P.A. 88-292.)
(505 ILCS 90/13) (from Ch. 5, par. 73) Sec. 13. It shall be unlawful for any nurseryman or nursery dealer to sell, give away, carry, ship or deliver for carriage or shipment within the State any nursery stock unless such nursery stock has been officially inspected and a certificate covering the same has been issued by the Department stating that said nursery stock has been inspected and found apparently free from insect pests and plant diseases. It shall, however, be the privilege of a nurseryman holding a valid certificate covering nursery stock grown by him or holding a valid nursery dealer's certificate to ship under said certificate nursery stock grown for him elsewhere or purchased by him from other nurseries, provided that all such nursery stock when required is received under an official certificate acceptable to the Department stating that it has been inspected where grown and found to be apparently free from insect pests and diseases. (Source: P.A. 88-292.)
(505 ILCS 90/14) (from Ch. 5, par. 74) Sec. 14. All trees, shrubs, vines, cuttings, scions, grafts, plants and plant parts, plant products and places within this State, infested with injurious insect pests or infected with plant diseases which are liable to spread to other plants, plant products or places to the injury thereof, or to the injury of man and animals, and all species and varieties of trees, shrubs, vines and other plants not essential to the welfare of the people of the State which may serve as favorable host plants, and promote the prevalence and abundance of insect pests and plant diseases, or any stage thereof, injurious to other plants essential to the welfare of the people of this State, are hereby declared to be a nuisance. (Source: Laws 1927, p. 9.)
(505 ILCS 90/15) (from Ch. 5, par. 75) Sec. 15. If the Department shall determine that any species or variety of tree, vine, shrub, or other plant growing within this State is a nuisance as defined in Section 14 of this Act, and if in the judgment of the Department such species or variety of tree, shrub, vine or other plant should be eradicated from this State, or from any section thereof, in order to safeguard the other plants and plant products of the State or any section thereof, it shall give public notice thereof, designating the species or variety of plant, the eradication of which is proposed, the section of the State involved, and the reasons why the eradication of such plant is necessary; such notice shall also designate a place and a time, which time shall not be less than 30 days after the date of such notice, for a public hearing, at which all persons in the State interested in the proposed action of the Department may be heard. If, after such hearing, the Department shall determine that such species or variety of plant should be eradicated, it shall give public notice of the fact, naming the species or variety of plant to be eradicated, describing the boundaries of the section of the State from which such species or variety of plant shall be eradicated, and the dates when such notice shall become effective. If the Department shall have reason to suppose that any property or place in this State is infested with any injurious insect pest or infected with any plant disease, or has growing thereon or stored therein any species or variety of plant which the Department has declared to be a nuisance within the meaning of Section 14 of this Act, it shall have power to inspect, or cause to be inspected, from time to time, such property or place; and, if it shall find by such inspection as above stated, that any person is maintaining a nuisance as described in Section 14 of this Act, the Department shall give written notice of the facts to the owner, or other person in possession or control of the property or place where such nuisance was found; which notice shall specify the condition constituting such nuisance and the time within which such nuisance shall be abated; and such owner or person in charge shall proceed to eradicate, control or prevent the dissemination of such injurious insect pest or plant disease, or to remove, cut, destroy, or otherwise completely eradicate the species or variety of plant constituting the nuisance, within the time described in such notice. Whenever such owner or other person cannot be found, or fails, neglects or refuses to obey the requirements of said notice, the Department may proceed to abate such nuisance; and in so doing the Department is authorized to treat, remove, cut or destroy host plants, infested or infected plants and plant products, or other things and substances used in connection therewith; and the expense thereof, together with all costs, shall be paid by such owner or other person in possession or control and shall be collected by the Department by a civil action in the name of the People of the State of Illinois against the person liable. (Source: P.A. 85-324.)
(505 ILCS 90/16) (from Ch. 5, par. 76) Sec. 16. Pest and plant disease inspection. Any municipality, park board, or other board or person in control of public grounds may apply to the Department for an inspection of the same with reference to the presence of insect pests or plant diseases; and upon receipt of such application, or as soon thereafter as may be conveniently practicable, the Department shall review the application and may comply with it as deemed appropriate, and send to such applicant a statement as to the facts disclosed, with any recommendations which the Department may deem pertinent. (Source: P.A. 100-112, eff. 8-15-17.)
(505 ILCS 90/17) (from Ch. 5, par. 77) Sec. 17. Any owner of florist's stock which he wishes to ship into another state or country, may apply to the Department for an inspection of the same with reference to the presence of insect pests or diseases likely to prevent the acceptance of such plants in such state or country, and upon receipt of such application, or as soon thereafter as may be conveniently practicable, the Department shall comply with such request, and it shall issue to the applicant a certificate to the facts disclosed. (Source: P.A. 85-324.)
(505 ILCS 90/18) (from Ch. 5, par. 78) Sec. 18. Whenever the Department shall find as a fact that any plant disease or insect infestation exists in any other state, territory, district, province or country, or in any portion thereof, or in any locality therein, with respect to which the Secretary of Agriculture of the United States has not determined that a quarantine is necessary and has not established a quarantine, and that any plant or plant product or other thing, coming therefrom into this State is likely to convey such plant disease or insect infestation into this State, the Department shall report such fact to the Governor. The Governor may thereupon by proclamation, schedule such state, territory, district, province, or country, or any portion thereof, or any locality therein, and prohibit the bringing therefrom into this State of such insect pest or plant disease, or any plant or plant product or other thing of the kind infested or infected, or likely to be infested or infected, or is likely to convey infection to plants or plant products in this State, except under such regulations as may be prescribed by the Department and approved by the Governor. Any article brought into the State in violation of any proclamation of the Governor or any regulation of the Department, issued or established in accordance with the provisions of this Act, or in violation of any Federal quarantine established by the Secretary of the United States Department of Agriculture, shall at the expense of the owner be either destroyed, returned to the consignor, or otherwise disposed of as the Department may direct. (Source: P.A. 85-324.)
(505 ILCS 90/20) (from Ch. 5, par. 80) Sec. 20. Whenever the Department finds that there exists in any part of this State a dangerous insect pest or a dangerous plant disease, which for the protection of the economy and environment of the State, should be prevented from spreading and be controlled or eradicated, the Department is authorized to carry out the following restrictive and control measures when deemed necessary and advisable and may co-operate with other state agencies and with the United States Department of Agriculture. The Department is authorized to promulgate a quarantine covering such affected area in the State, and other areas within the State which are subsequently found to be infested or infected with the pest, and may adopt, issue and enforce rules and regulations supplemental to the quarantine for the control of this pest. Under such quarantine the Department or its authorized agents may prohibit and prevent the movement within, or through any portion of the State, of agricultural or horticultural products or any other material or things whatsoever capable of carrying such pest in any living stage of its development; and in the enforcement of such quarantine may intercept, stop, and detain for official inspection, any person, car, vessel, boat, truck, automobile, air craft, wagon or other vehicles or carriers, whether air, land or water or any container believed or known to be carrying such insect in any living stage of its development or any such prohibited material, and may seize, possess, and destroy any agricultural or horticultural product or other material of any character whatsoever, moved, shipped, or transported in violation of such quarantine or the rules and regulations supplemental thereto. The Department may, when it is deemed necessary, prohibit the use of any farm practice or operation within the quarantined area which favors the development of such pest and may specify and require in such area the use of specific operations and procedures in disposing of weeds and crop residues, in the treating and handling of seeds, growing crops, or harvested products, machinery and any other property, or in planting and harvesting crops, as may be necessary to effectively destroy or prevent the development of such pest; and it is the duty of the owner or person in charge of lands and crops and other things connected therewith within such quarantined area, upon due notice, to refrain from such prohibited practices and operations and to use such specific operations and procedures as are required within the time limit specified and in the manner designated by the Department. In case the owner or the person in charge of such lands, crops or other materials within the quarantined area neglects or refuses to carry out the instructions of the Department contained in such notice within the time limit specified, the Department or its authorized agents may take the action so required, and the expense thereof shall be paid by such owner or other person in charge. This expense in case of failure or refusal to pay shall be collected by the Department by a civil action in the name of the People of the State of Illinois against the person liable therefor. Before such quarantine is promulgated, the Department shall call a hearing, after due notice of the same, to be held at some convenient place designated by the Department, at which interested persons may be heard, either in person or by attorney, which hearing shall be held not less than 15 days after the publication of such call. The notice of any hearing and the promulgation of any quarantine provided for in this Act, except as otherwise provided in Section 15 of this Act, shall be by publication in one or more newspapers in circulation in the area affected. After a quarantine area has been established the Director may extend the quarantine area to include additional areas of the State upon publication of a notice to that effect in such newspapers in the affected area as the Director may select or by direct written notice to those concerned without holding additional public hearings. Any person affected by any rule, regulation or order made or served pursuant to this Act, may have a review of the same by the Department. Application for such review may be made to the Department in writing within 10 days after the publication of notice of such rule, regulation or order and such review shall be allowed and considered by the Department at such time and place and under such conditions as the Department may prescribe. (Source: P.A. 85-324.)
(505 ILCS 90/20.01) (from Ch. 5, par. 80a) Sec. 20.01. All final administrative decisions of the Department hereunder shall be subject to judicial review pursuant to the provisions of the Administrative Review Law, and all amendments and modifications thereof, and the rules adopted pursuant thereto. The term "administrative decision" is defined as in Section 3-101 of the Code of Civil Procedure. (Source: P.A. 85-324.)
(505 ILCS 90/22) (from Ch. 5, par. 82) Sec. 22. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this Act with reference to the sale, shipment, transportation, receipt or delivery of nursery stock without inspection or certificate, or with reference to treatment of nursery stock, plants, plant products or other property; or who shall forge, counterfeit, deface, alter, destroy or wrongfully use a certificate belonging to another person or fail to obtain a certificate of inspection or nursery dealer's certificate; or who shall use a certificate after it has been suspended or revoked or has expired; or who shall transport, receive or convey any article into the State of Illinois in violation of any proclamation of the Governor or regulation of the Department or any Federal quarantine, or who, having received the same directly or indirectly shall refuse to dispose of the same as the Department may direct; or who shall violate any proclamation of the Governor or quarantine or rule, regulation or order of the Department as provided for in this Act; or who shall maintain a nuisance after receiving notice from the Department to abate the same shall be adjudged guilty of a business offense and shall be subject to a fine of not less than $1,000 nor more than $10,000. The fines collected under this Act shall be paid to the Department and by it paid into the Pesticide Control Fund, Director as Trustee, to be used for the administration of this Act. Any person who impedes, obstructs, hinders or otherwise prevents or attempts to prevent the Director in the performance of official duties shall be guilty of a Class B misdemeanor for the first violation and guilty of a Class A misdemeanor for subsequent violations. Any person using physical force against the Director in the performance of official duties shall be guilty of a Class 4 felony. (Source: P.A. 85-324.)
(505 ILCS 90/22.01) (from Ch. 5, par. 82a) Sec. 22.01. When an administrative hearing is held, the hearing officer shall upon determination of a violation, on a per-occurrence basis, assess an appropriate administrative monetary penalty. The Department shall collect the administrative monetary penalty which will be paid to the Pesticide Control Fund to be used for the administration of this Act for the following violations: I. A fine of $150 shall be imposed for each of the following violations: A. Thwarting or hindering an inspection authorized
or required by this Act by misrepresenting or concealing facts or conditions.
B. Selling, offering or exposing for sale, or
distributing nursery stock which is not accompanied by a shipping tag or label bearing a copy of the certificate of inspection or nursery dealer's certificate.
C. Failing to comply with any of the provisions of
this Act, or the rules and regulations promulgated hereunder for which a fine for a specific violation is not specified.
D. Making a false declaration of acreage or causing
any concealment of nursery stock from inspection by the Department.
E. Selling, offering for sale, or distributing
nursery stock or other article infested with injurious insect pests or infected with injurious plant diseases.
II. A fine of $300 shall be imposed for each of the following violations: A. Failing to carry out the treatment or destruction
of any plant pest or regulated article in accordance with official notification from the Director.
B. Selling, transporting, or offering for sale
nursery stock which has not been inspected and which is not covered by a valid certificate of inspection.
C. Selling, offering or exposing for sale or
delivering any nursery stock without having a current certificate of inspection or nursery dealer's certificate.
III. A fine of $500 shall be imposed for each of the following violations: A. Using an invalid, suspended, or revoked nursery
certificate or nursery dealer's certificate in the sale or distribution of nursery stock.
B. Neglecting or refusing to comply with provisions
of this Act or any lawful order of the Director.
C. Moving any regulated article into or out of a
quarantined area unless such regulated article has been treated or handled as provided by the requirements of said quarantine.
D. Selling, installing or otherwise distributing
nursery stock or other article which has been placed on stop-sale.
IV. A fine of not less than $500 but not greater than $5,000 shall be imposed for each of the following violations related to a devastating insect or plant disease: A. Thwarting or hindering an inspection by
misrepresenting or concealing facts or conditions related to compliance with the terms of the quarantine.
B. Selling, offering for sale, or distributing
nursery stock or other articles infested with devastating insects or plant diseases in violation of the quarantine.
C. Failing to carry out the treatment or destruction
of any devastating insect or plant disease or regulated article as required under the terms of the quarantine and in accordance with official notification from the Director.
D. Moving any regulated article into or out of the
quarantined area unless the regulated article has been treated or handled as provided by the requirements of the quarantine.
E. Falsifying a compliance agreement under the
Any penalty not paid within 60 days of notice from the Department shall be submitted to the Attorney General's office for collection. Failure to pay a penalty shall also be grounds for suspension or revocation of certificates and permits. (Source: P.A. 91-713, eff. 6-2-00.)
(505 ILCS 90/22.02) (from Ch. 5, par. 82b) Sec. 22.02. The Director may file a complaint and apply for and the circuit court may grant a temporary restraining order or preliminary or permanent injunction restraining any person from violating or continuing to violate any of the provisions of this Act or any rules and regulations promulgated under the Act notwithstanding the existence of other judicial remedies. Any such injunction may be entered without notice and without bond. (Source: P.A. 85-324.)
(505 ILCS 90/22.03) (from Ch. 5, par. 82c) Sec. 22.03. The Department is authorized to hold administrative hearings to determine violations of the Act and compliance with provisions of this Act. All administrative decisions are subject to and hearings shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of this Act and the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act. At the time and place fixed in the hearing notice, the Department shall proceed to hear the matter and any charges made and both the respondent and any complainant shall be accorded ample opportunity to present in person or by counsel such statements, testimony, evidence and argument as may be pertinent to the matter or charges or to any defense thereto. The Department may continue such hearing from time to time. The Department, over the signature of the Director, is authorized to issue subpoenas and to bring before the Department any person or persons in this State and to take testimony either orally or by deposition or by exhibit with the same fees and mileage and in the same manner as prescribed by law in judicial proceedings and civil cases in the circuit courts of this State. The Director is authorized to issue subpoenas duces tecum on any or all records relating to a nursery or nursery dealer's business. The director may administer oaths to witnesses at any hearing which the Department is authorized by law to conduct. (Source: P.A. 85-324.)
(505 ILCS 90/22.04) (from Ch. 5, par. 82d) Sec. 22.04. The Director, upon finding injurious insects or other pests or plant diseases present in a nursery or in nursery stock, or a not viable nursery stock as set forth in Section 29, may issue a stop-sale order against such plants. Plants placed on stop-sale shall be conspicuously tagged, either individually or in blocks, provided that such infested stock is clearly separable, if possible, from noninfested stock, and that such physical separation is effected and maintained. The stop-sale order shall contain the following: (1) the reason for the issuance of the stop-sale order; (2) a description of the nursery stock placed on stop-sale; (3) the date upon which such order became effective. Stop-sale tags shall not be removed from nursery stock until such stock meets the requirements of this Act and removal is authorized by written permission of the Director or upon disposal of the infested stock in a manner authorized by the Director. The Director may restrict or restrain the transportation of any nursery stock which has been placed on stop-sale, or may prescribe conditions under which such nursery stock may be transported. It is unlawful to sell, install or otherwise distribute nursery stock which has been placed on stop-sale. (Source: P.A. 85-324.)
(505 ILCS 90/23) (from Ch. 5, par. 83) Sec. 23. If any section or part of a section of this Act shall, for any cause be held unconstitutional, such fact shall not affect the remainder of this Act. (Source: Laws 1927, p. 9.)
(505 ILCS 90/24) (from Ch. 5, par. 84) Sec. 24. An Act to prevent the introduction into and the dissemination within this State of insect pests and plant diseases injurious to the plants and plant products of this State, filed June 29, 1917, and approved as amended, June 28, 1919, is hereby repealed. (Source: Laws 1927, p. 9.)
(505 ILCS 90/28) (from Ch. 5, par. 87a) Sec. 28. The Director is hereby authorized and empowered to enter into such reciprocal agreements and contracts as he may deem proper and expedient, with the proper authorities of other states regulating the shipment, selling and trafficking of nursery stock in the State of Illinois by persons residing and located outside the State of Illinois, in accordance with the provisions of this Act. (Source: P.A. 85-324.)
(505 ILCS 90/29) (from Ch. 5, par. 87a.01) Sec. 29. Any person, firm, association or corporation who maintains sales yards, stores, garden centers or any place where nursery stock is sold, must keep such stock stored or displayed under conditions which will maintain its vigor and it must be prevented from becoming devitalized or weakened by drying out or by excessive heat or cold. Only sound healthy nursery stock stored or displayed under conditions which will maintain its vigor may be offered for sale. Any duly authorized inspector of the Department may order the removal from sale any nursery stock which is not viable or is in such damaged or desiccated condition as to be incapable of reasonable growth. (Source: P.A. 85-324.)
(505 ILCS 90/30) (from Ch. 5, par. 87a.02) Sec. 30. The Director may issue rules and regulations and orders as may be needed to carry out this Act. Further, the Director may establish by regulation fees for the inspection and certification of nurseries, nursery stock dealers, greenhouses and for other inspections, certifications and permits. These fees will be paid into the Pesticide Control Fund to be used for the administration of this Act. Before adopting or revising such fee regulations, the Director must hold a public hearing. Notice of such hearing shall be made at least 30 days prior to such a public hearing. (Source: P.A. 85-324.)
(505 ILCS 90/35) Sec. 35. Importation of firewood. Within 9 months after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 95th General Assembly, the Department of Agriculture shall promulgate rules concerning the control of firewood importation into the State with special attention to controlling the infestation of insect pests, including the emerald ash borer. The Department of Agriculture may collaborate with the Department of Natural Resources to promulgate the rules required under this Section. (Source: P.A. 95-309, eff. 8-20-07.)