Article 30 - Illinois Grain Insurance Fund

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(240 ILCS 40/Art. 30 heading)

(240 ILCS 40/30-5) Sec. 30-5. Illinois Grain Insurance Corporation. (a) The Corporation is a political subdivision, body politic, and public corporation. The governing powers of the Corporation are vested in the Board of Directors composed of the Director, who shall personally serve as president; the Attorney General or his or her designee, who shall serve as secretary; the State Treasurer or his or her designee, who shall serve as treasurer; the Director of the Department of Insurance or his or her designee; and the chief fiscal officer of the Department. Three members of the Board constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Board, and the affirmative vote of 3 members is necessary for any action taken by the Board at a meeting, except that a lesser number may adjourn a meeting from time to time. A vacancy in the membership of the Board does not impair the right of a quorum to exercise all the rights and perform all the duties of the Board and Corporation. (b) The Corporation has the following powers, together with all powers incidental or necessary to the discharge of those powers in corporate form: (1) To have perpetual succession by its corporate

name as a corporate body.

(2) To adopt, alter, and repeal bylaws, not

inconsistent with the provisions of this Code, for the regulation and conduct of its affairs and business.

(3) To adopt and make use of a corporate seal and to

alter the seal at pleasure.

(4) To avail itself of the use of information,

services, facilities, and employees of the State of Illinois in carrying out the provisions of this Code.

(5) To receive funds, printer registration fees, and

penalties assessed by the Department under this Code.

(6) To administer the Fund by investing funds of the

Corporation that the Board may determine are not presently needed for its corporate purposes.

(7) To receive funds from the Trust Account for

deposit into the Fund.

(8) Upon the request of the Director, to make payment

from the Fund and the Reserve Fund to the Trust Account when payment is necessary to compensate claimants in accordance with the provisions of Section 25-20 or for payment of refunds to licensees in accordance with the provisions of this Code.

(9) To authorize, receive, and disburse funds by

electronic means.

(10) To make any inquiry and investigation deemed

appropriate with regard to the failure of any licensee, including but not limited to analyzing the causes of and reasons for the failure; determining the adequacy and accuracy of Department examinations and other regulatory measures with regard to the failed licensee; and analyzing whether the handling of the liquidation and payment process by the Department was done in a manner that served the interests of those persons whose interests this Code was designed to protect.

(11) To have those powers that are necessary or

appropriate for the exercise of the powers specifically conferred upon the Corporation and all incidental powers that are customary in corporations.

(12) To make payments from the Fund to the Asset

Preservation Account in accordance with Section 20-20(e) of this Code.

(c) A committee of advisors shall be created to provide technical assistance and advice and make recommendations to the Board. The advisory committee shall assist the board in understanding pertinent developments in grain production and marketing and the grain industry. The advisory committee shall be composed of one grain producer designated by the Illinois Farm Bureau; one grain producer designated by the Illinois Farmers Union; one grain producer designated by the Illinois Corn Growers Association; one grain producer designated by the Illinois Soybean Association; 2 representatives of the grain industry, designated by the Grain and Feed Association of Illinois; and 2 representatives of the lending industry, one each designated by the Illinois Bankers Association and the Community Bankers of Illinois. Members of the advisory committee shall serve terms of 2 years from the date of their designation. Members of the advisory committee shall have the right to attend all meetings of the Board and participate in Board discussions, but shall not have a vote. (Source: P.A. 93-225, eff. 7-21-03; 94-54, eff. 1-1-06.)

(240 ILCS 40/30-10) Sec. 30-10. Participants in the Fund. (a) A licensee under this Code is subject to this Article and shall collect and pay assessments into the Fund as provided in Section 5-30. (b) Except as provided in subsection (c) of this Section, a person engaged in the business of a grain dealer or warehouseman but not licensed under this Code shall not participate in or benefit from the Fund and its claimants shall not receive proceeds from the Fund. (c) Participation of federal warehousemen. (1) A federal warehouseman may participate in the

Fund. If a federal warehouseman chooses to participate in the Fund, it shall to the extent permitted by federal law:

(A) pay assessments into the Fund; (B) be deemed a licensee and a warehouseman under

this Code;

(C) be subject to this Code; and (D) execute a cooperative agreement between

itself and the Department.

(2) The cooperative agreement shall, at a minimum,

provide each of the following to the extent permitted by federal law:

(A) Authorization for the Department to obtain

information about the federal warehouseman including, but not limited to, bushel capacity of storage space, financial stability, and examinations performed by employees of the United States Department of Agriculture.

(B) That the federal warehouseman submits itself

to the jurisdiction of the Department and that it agrees to be subject to and bound by this Code and deemed a licensee under this Code.

(C) That in the event of a failure of the federal

warehouseman, the Department shall have authority to seize, liquidate, and collect upon all grain assets, collateral, and guarantees relating to the federal warehouseman as in the case of any other licensee.

(D) Such other requirements as established by


(3) A federal warehouseman that participates in the

Fund shall at a minimum meet the licensing requirements of this Code and shall comply with all requirements of a licensee and a warehouseman under this Code to the extent permitted by federal law.

(d) A federal warehouseman that participates in the Fund or a warehouseman that desires to or has become a federal warehouseman cannot withdraw from participation in the Fund for the benefit of existing depositors until the occurrence of all of the following: (1) Payment in full by the federal warehouseman or

withdrawing warehouseman of all assessments under subsection (a) of Section 5-30.

(2) Payment in full by the federal warehouseman or

withdrawing warehouseman of all assessments instituted under subsection (d) of Section 5-30 on or after an assessment determination date that occurs before the federal warehouseman or withdrawing warehouseman notifies the Department that it desires to withdraw from participation in the Fund and before the issuance by the Department of a certificate of withdrawal from the Fund.

(3) The expiration of 30 days following the later of: (A) the date the federal warehouseman or

withdrawing warehouseman has ceased providing its depositors with coverage under the Fund;

(B) the date the federal warehouseman or

withdrawing warehouseman has posted at each of its locations a notice stating when it will cease providing its depositors with coverage under the Fund;

(C) notification of all potential claimants by

the federal warehouseman or withdrawing warehouseman of the date on which it will cease providing its depositors with coverage under the Fund; and

(D) Completion of an audit and examination

satisfactory to the Department as provided for in this Code and by rule, which is to be the Department's final examination.

(4) Obtaining releases of liability from all existing

depositors or posting collateral with the Department for 270 days after withdrawing from the Fund in an amount equal to the liability to existing depositors who have not executed releases before the completion of the Department's final examination.

(5) Compliance with all notification requirements as

provided for in this Code and by rule.

(6) Issuance by the Department of a certificate of

withdrawal from the Fund when the federal warehouseman or withdrawing warehouseman has met all requirements for withdrawal from participation in the Fund.

(e) Before a federal warehouseman or a warehouseman that desires to or has become a federal warehouseman may withdraw from participation in the Fund, it must pay for an audit and examination and must provide to the Department all names and addresses of potential claimants for the purposes of notification of withdrawal of participation in the Fund. (Source: P.A. 93-225, eff. 7-21-03.)

(240 ILCS 40/30-15) Sec. 30-15. Investments of the Fund. (a) All assessments by the Department under Section 5-30 shall be held by the Corporation in the Fund. (b) Subject to applicable law, the assets of the Fund may be invested and reinvested at the discretion of the Corporation, and the income from these investments shall be deposited to the credit of the Fund and shall be available for the same purposes as all other assets of the Fund. (c) Except as provided in Section 20-20(e), the assets of the Fund shall not be available for any purpose other than the payment of valid claims under this Code and the payment of refunds of amounts that the Board determines have been inappropriately paid into the Fund, and may not be transferred to any other fund, other than the Trust Account when necessary to pay valid claims under this Code or to pay refunds authorized by the Board. (Source: P.A. 94-54, eff. 1-1-06.)

(240 ILCS 40/30-20) Sec. 30-20. Recovery of funds. Amounts paid from the Fund in satisfaction of a valid claim constitute a debt and obligation of the licensee against whom the claim was made. On behalf of the Fund, the Director may bring suit, file a claim, or intervene in any legal proceeding to recover from a failed licensee, or upon any collateral and guarantees relating to the failed licensee, the amount of the payment made from the Fund together with interest at 6% per annum and all expenses, costs, and attorneys' fees incurred by the Department in its efforts to recover assets for the Fund in reference to the failed licensee. (Source: P.A. 89-287, eff. 1-1-96.)

(240 ILCS 40/30-25) Sec. 30-25. Grain Insurance Reserve Fund. Upon payment in full of all money that has been transferred to the Fund prior to June 30, 2003 from the General Revenue Fund as provided for under subsection (h) of Section 25-20, the State of Illinois shall remit $2,000,000 to the Corporation to be held in a separate and discrete account to be used to the extent the assets in the Fund are insufficient to satisfy claimants as payment of their claims become due as set forth in subsection (h) of Section 25-20. The remittance of the $2,000,000 reserve shall be made to the Corporation within 60 days of payment in full of all money transferred to the Fund as set forth above in this Section 30-25. All income received by the Reserve Fund shall be deposited in the Fund within 35 days of the end of each calendar quarter. (Source: P.A. 93-225, eff. 7-21-03.)