67-1001A. DEFINITIONS. As used in this chapter and other applicable sections of Idaho Code, each of the terms defined in this section shall have the meaning herein given unless a different meaning is clearly required by the context.
(1) "Certification" means a written or electronic assertion that a statement or report is true or as represented.
(2) "Defaulter" means one who misappropriates public funds held by him in any official or fiduciary capacity; or fails to provide an accounting as specified by the state controller for such funds.
(3) "Examine" means open to inspection; to review or evaluate the books, papers, accounts, bills, vouchers, other documents of state funds and property, or accounts or financial records of all state agencies and entities receiving state funds in accordance with generally accepted accounting practices.
(4) "Financial statement" means a quantitative report summarizing the financial position of an entity as of a particular date and the operating results of that entity for a particular period.
(5) "Internal control" means a coordinated system of methods and measures designed to safeguard assets, check the accuracy and reliability of accounting data, promote operational efficiency, and encourage adherence to prescribed managerial policies.
(6) "Offset" means to withhold payment, in full or part, from a recipient of state money whenever that recipient has an outstanding debt to the state.
(7) "Post-audit" means an independent audit of the financial statements of the state of Idaho for purposes of rendering an opinion of such statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.
(8) "Voucher" means a receipt, acquittance or release in writing or electronic transmission that may serve as evidence of payment or discharge of debt; a document that serves to recognize a liability and authorize the disbursement of cash.
(9) "Warrant" means a negotiable instrument payable by the state treasury when funds become available for the stated purpose; a warrant may include, but is not necessarily limited to, a payment mechanism such as direct deposit, electronic fund transfer, paper warrant or other financial instrument.
[67-1001A, added 2003, ch. 4, sec. 2, p. 9.]