50-1801. CITY IRRIGATION SYSTEM AUTHORIZED. Any city within the state of Idaho is hereby authorized, in the whole or part of the city to establish a city irrigation system and to extend the boundaries within which it will supply and deliver irrigation water; to acquire by purchase, contract, eminent domain or otherwise and to operate, maintain, construct, improve, enlarge and extend an irrigation system to supply water to a part or all of the lands, lots, parcels and pieces of real estate within the limits of such city; to acquire by appropriation, purchase, contract, eminent domain or by any other lawful means not herein enumerated any of the public or private waters of the state of Idaho whether such waters are surface or subterranean waters; to acquire, extend, enlarge, maintain and operate any canals, ditches, conduits and rights of way for ditches, canals and conduits by contract, deed, eminent domain or any other lawful means for the use of such city in supplying water to and distributing the same throughout the city.
[50-1801, added 1967, ch. 429, sec. 356, p. 1249.]