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U.S. State Codes
349. Executive Office on Aging
349. Executive Office on Aging
349-1 Declaration of purpose; support; duties.
349-2 Executive office on aging; appointments.
349-3 General functions, duties, and powers of the director.
349-3.1 Renumbered as §349-17.
349-3.2 Alzheimer's disease and related dementia services coordinator.
349-4 Policy advisory board for elder affairs; lifetime honorary kupuna.
349-5 Administrative and program support for the executive office on aging.
349-5.5 Executive office on aging administrative claiming special fund.
349-6 State master plan for elders.
349-6.5 Alzheimer's disease and related dementias state plan.
349-7 Recognition as responsible state agency.
349-8 Powers of other departments and agencies; cooperation with the executive office on aging.
349-9 County functions.
349-10 Annual senior citizen's fair.
349-11 State policy for senior centers.
349-12 to 349-14 Renumbered as §§349-21 to 349-23.
349-15 Coordination and development of caregiver support services.
349-16 Definitions.
349-17 Kupuna care program.
349-18 Kupuna caregivers program.
349-21 Office of the long-term care ombudsman.
349-22 Access to long-term care facilities.
349-23 Retaliatory acts by facilities or facility employees prohibited.
349-24 Wilful interference; prohibited.
349-25 Posting and distribution of information.
349-31 Definitions.
349-32 Aging and disability resource centers; established.