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U.S. State Codes
347. Blind, Visually Handicapped, and Other Dis...
347. Blind, Visually Handicapped, and Other Disabled Persons
347-1 Visually handicapped defined.
347-2 Blind, defined.
347-2.5 Service animal, defined.
347-2.6 Misrepresentation of a service animal; civil penalty.
347-3 Department; general powers.
347-4 Vocational rehabilitation of blind.
347-5 Obtaining federal benefits.
347-6 Registration of blind.
347-7 Agencies for information and industrial aid.
347-8 Workshops.
347-9 Visiting blind and visually handicapped persons; home teaching.
347-10 Donations and examinations for sight conservation.
347-11 Protection of records; divulging confidential information prohibited; penalties; payments to blind inalienable.
347-12 Blind shop and handicraft program.
347-12.5 Randolph-Sheppard revolving account.
347-13 Persons who are blind, visually handicapped, disabled; public places; public conveyances.
347-13.5 Suits by individuals; jurisdiction; venue.
347-14 Penalty.
347-15 Fares for blind person and guide.
347-16 Canes, use in public places.
347-17 Driver of vehicle, caution.
347-18 Penalty.
347-19 Rights of blind; partially blind.
347-20 Legislative findings.