342D. Water Pollution
- 342D-1 Definitions.
- 342D-2 Administration.
- 342D-3 Board membership.
- 342D-4 Duties; rules.
- 342D-5 Rules; specific.
- 342D-6 Permits; procedures for.
- 342D-6.5 Hawaiian loko i`a. ` ` `
- 342D-7 Variances.
- 342D-8 Inspection of premises.
- 342D-9 Enforcement.
- 342D-10 Emergency powers; procedures.
- 342D-11 Injunctive and other relief.
- 342D-12 Appeal.
- 342D-13 Fees.
- 342D-14 Public records; confidential information; penalties.
- 342D-15 Nonliability of department personnel.
- 342D-16 Remedies preserved.
- 342D-17 Enforcement by state and county authorities.
- 342D-18 Other powers of department not affected.
- 342D-19 Effect of laws, ordinances, and rules.
- 342D-20 Priority in courts.
- 342D-21 Sale and distribution of sunscreen containing oxybenzone or octinoxate, or both; prohibition.
- 342D-30 Civil penalties.
- 342D-31 Administrative penalties.
- 342D-32 Negligent violations.
- 342D-33 Knowing violations.
- 342D-34 Knowing endangerment.
- 342D-35 False statements.
- 342D-36 Treatment of single operational upset.
- 342D-37 Responsible corporate officer as "person".
- 342D-38 Hazardous substance defined.
- 342D-39 Disposition of collected fines and penalties.
- 342D-50 Prohibition.
- 342D-50.5 Treated or raw sewage; prohibition.
- 342D-51 Affirmative duty to report discharges.
- 342D-52 Testing of water and aquatic and other life.
- 342D-53 Certifying agency.
- 342D-54 Wastewater treatment works; financial assistance; grants.
- 342D-55 Recordkeeping and monitoring requirements.
- 342D-56 Complaints; hearings; appointment of masters.
- 342D-57 Public participation activities; appointment of hearings officers.
- 342D-58 Consultation and advice.
- 342D-59 Research, educational, and training programs.
- 342D-60 Annual reports.
- 342D-61 Household aerobic unit approval.
- 342D-70 Use of gray water for irrigation purposes.
- 342D-71 Recycled water use.
- 342D-72 Cesspools; mandatory upgrade, conversion, or connection.
- 342D-80 Definitions.
- 342D-81 Declaration of policy.
- 342D-82 Powers and duties.
- 342D-82.5 Use of American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 and other federal moneys
- 342D-83 Revolving fund; establishment, purposes, coordination.
- 342D-84 Revolving fund; uses.
- 342D-85 Revolving fund; deposits.
- 342D-86 Revolving fund; fees, interest, and investment on accounts.
- 342D-87 Revolving fund; conditions.
- 342D-88 Revenue bonds; authorization.
- 342D-89 Revenue bonds; payment and security.
- 342D-90 Revenue bonds; amount issued.
- 342D-91 Revenue bonds; investment of proceeds, and redemption.
- 342D-92 Trustee; designation; duties.
- 342D-93 Trust indenture.
- 342D-101 Definitions.
- 342D-102 Prohibited discharges; limitations on discharges.
- 342D-103 Prohibited air emissions.
- 342D-104 Information-gathering requirements.
- 342D-105 Recordkeeping requirements.
- 342D-106 Reporting requirements.
- 342D-107 Memorandum of understanding; recognition program.
- 342D-108 Exemption for vessels in innocent passage.
- 342D-109 Activities of the department.
- 342D-110 Fine schedules for illegal discharges.
- 342D-111 Alternative terms and conditions of vessel discharges.