(a) No licensee shall deposit with any financial institution a payment instrument it has accepted and exchanged for monetary value unless such payment instrument is endorsed by the licensee.
(b) No licensee shall receive any payment instrument with payment deferred pending collection. Payment shall be made immediately in cash for every payment instrument accepted by the licensee and exchanged for monetary value for a fee.
(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (b) of this Code section, checks may be accepted for collection with payment deferred where the licensee has posted a surety bond in the same manner as prescribed for licensed money transmitters or licensed payment instrument sellers under Code Section 7-1-683.2 and under the same conditions as set forth under Code Section 7-1-687. The surety bond shall be in the aggregate amount of $10,000.00 for each location operated by the licensee, if the licensee operates three or fewer locations, plus $5,000.00 per location for the fourth and fifth locations operated by the licensee, plus $1,000.00 for each location operated by the licensee in excess of the fifth location. The bond shall be in a form satisfactory to the department and shall run to the State of Georgia for the benefit of any claimant against the licensee arising out of the licensee's business of cashing payment instruments with payment deferred in this state. The bond shall not be canceled by either the licensee or the corporate surety except upon notice to the department by registered or certified mail, statutory overnight delivery with return receipt requested, or electronically through the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and Registry, and such cancellation shall be effective no sooner than 30 days after receipt by the department of such notice. In no event shall payment of a check be deferred past the time the licensee has collected on the check. Upon collection, payment shall be made immediately to the party from whom the licensee accepted the check.
(d) No licensee shall cash payment instruments made payable to a payee other than an individual unless such licensee has previously obtained appropriate documentation from the authorized executive officer of such payee clearly indicating the authority of the individual to cash the payment instrument on behalf of the payee.
(e) No licensee shall cash payment instruments without identification of the bearer of such instrument, and any person seeking to cash payment instruments shall be required to submit such reasonable identification as shall be prescribed by the department; provided, however, that the provisions of this subsection shall not prohibit a licensee from cashing payment instruments simultaneously with the verification and establishment of the identity of the presenter by means other than the presentation of identification.
(f) No licensee shall:
(1) Charge a fee for cashing payment instruments in excess of 5 percent of the face amount of the payment instrument or $5.00, whichever is greater;
(2) Charge a fee for cashing payment instruments in excess of 3 percent of the face amount of the payment instrument or $5.00, whichever is greater, if such payment instrument is state public assistance or a federal social security benefit made payable to the bearer of such payment instrument; or
(3) Charge a fee for cashing payment instruments in excess of 10 percent of the face amount of the payment instrument or $5.00, whichever is greater, if such payment instrument is a personal check or money order. For purposes of this subsection, "personal check or money order" means a payment instrument drawn against the account of an individual.
(g) No licensee shall engage in any activity that would subject the licensee to suspension or revocation of its license pursuant to this article or any activity that the department may prohibit by rule or regulation.