(a) If any retired member who has not yet reached normal retirement age returns to service as a public school employee in any position which normally requires membership in this retirement system, such member's retirement benefit shall cease and the retired member shall reestablish active membership in this retirement system. The member shall have the same creditable service which the member possessed at the time of retirement and shall accumulate additional creditable service so long as such active membership continues. Upon cessation of such service, or upon attainment of normal retirement age and cessation of contributions, the retired member, after proper notification to the board, shall receive a retirement benefit based on the member's total accrued service reduced by any amount already received prior to reemployment.
(b) If any retired member who has reached normal retirement age returns to service as a public school employee in any position that would normally require membership in this retirement system, such member shall have the option to:
(1) Contribute to the system, in which event the member's retirement benefit shall cease and the retired member shall reestablish active membership in this retirement system. The member shall have the same creditable service which the member possessed at the time of retirement and shall accumulate additional creditable service so long as such active membership continues. Upon cessation of such service, the retired member, after proper notification to the board, shall receive a retirement benefit based on the member's total accrued service reduced by any amounts already received; or
(2) Not contribute to the system, in which event the member's retirement benefit shall not cease, and no additional benefits will accrue.
(c) Any employer which employs a retired member shall within 30 days of the employee's accepting employment notify the board of trustees in writing stating the name of the member and, if the retired member is age 65 or older, shall provide in writing from the retired member his or her election either to discontinue benefits and resume contributions, or to continue receiving retirement benefits and accrue no additional credits under the retirement system. Any employer which fails to notify the board of trustees as required by this subsection shall reimburse the retirement system for any benefits wrongfully paid. It shall be the duty of the retired member seeking employment by the employer to notify the employer of his or her retirement status prior to accepting such position. If a retired member fails to so notify the employer and the employer becomes liable to the retirement system, the member shall hold the employer harmless for all such liability.