Except as provided in Article 2 of Chapter 1 of this title, a member's accumulated contributions shall be 100 percent vested and nonforfeitable at all times. The right to a service retirement allowance under this chapter shall vest in any member who withdraws from service with at least ten years of membership service subsequent to January 1, 1954, although the member has not yet attained 60 years of age, provided that the member has not withdrawn the member's contributions. Such member shall become entitled to a service retirement allowance (1) upon filing an application as provided in Code Section 47-2-110 and (2) upon attaining the age of 60 or, at the member's option, at any time subsequent thereto after filing such application. The retirement allowance in the case of any such member shall be the monthly amount the member would have received had the member retired on the last day the member contributed to the retirement system and at that time had been the same age as when the member actually retired. If a member with vested rights dies before reaching age 60, the member's accumulated contributions shall be paid to the member's named living beneficiary, otherwise to the member's estate.