(a) Any member of this retirement system may obtain up to an additional three years of creditable service as provided in this Code section. In order to obtain such additional creditable service, the member must:
(1) Make application to the board of trustees in such manner as the board deems appropriate. Such application and payment must be made in conjunction with and simultaneously with the member's application for retirement. If the application for retirement is withdrawn or denied, the application to purchase creditable service shall be void; and
(2) Pay to the board of trustees an amount determined by the board of trustees to be sufficient to cover the full actuarial cost of granting the creditable service as provided in this Code section.
(b) Upon receipt of an application for additional creditable service, the board of trustees shall certify to the applicant the amount of the payment required by paragraph (2) of subsection (a) of this Code section.
(c) No creditable service obtained pursuant to this Code section shall be used to calculate the amount of creditable service required to qualify for a benefit under subsection (a) of Code Section 47-2-110 or Code Section 47-2-122.